Lee Sun Kyun’s image has completely collapsed! Frequent visits to Fengyue places: More serious things may be revealed

(Cover image source: jtbc “Prosecutor’s Inside Story”)

Li Shanjun’s drug involvement has been formally investigated, and he will be summoned by the police as a suspect.

After last week’s revelations about Lee Sun Kyun taking drugs and visiting romantic places, the positive image accumulated over the years has completely collapsed.

(Picture source: jtbc “Prosecutor’s Inside Story”)

jtbc’s “News Room”broadcast on the evening of the 23rd revealed part of the inside story of the Lee Sun-kyun incident. Witnesses claimed that Lee Sun-kyun often visited a Fengyue place known as a drug-taking place. “Lee Sun-kyun did frequent it before.”At the same time, it was revealed that there were some VIP guests who come in secret may reveal a bigger scandal. “Generally speaking, not everyone can come. I don’t know what happened in the private room. Something bigger may break out.”

(Source: Screenshot of jtbc’s “News Room”)

The majority of Lee Sun Kyun’s fans and netizens were shocked and doubtful at the beginning, and now are disappointed. After learning that Lee Sun Kyun is a frequent visitor to Feng Yue Place, everyone also left messages on the Internet to discuss, saying: “He is actually the VIP of Feng Yue Place”, “What could be a bigger scandal than drug abuse?”, “Does it mean that Lee Sun-kyun has committed more serious crimes, or is there someone who has committed a bigger crime than Lee Sun-kyun?”, “Lee Sun-kyun’s friends are going to tremble”, “Development Let’s do a nationwide drug test, it’s too scary.” “Is there anything more serious than taking drugs, forcing others to take it?” , “What’s more serious?? Is it gathering people to take drugs?” etc.

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