Lesserafim’s Anti-Fan Apologizes Following Group’s Legal Notice — Here’s How Fearnots Reacted

On June 7, SOURCE MUSIC issued an official statement providing further updates on the agency’s legal proceedings against individuals who have made malicious posts targeting K-pop girl group LE SSERAFIM.

The extensive statement outlined detailed protocols designed to pursue legal measures against those who created and disseminated indiscriminate hostility towards the group. This also encompasses internet users across a range of social media platforms and online communities.

After the announcement, a netizen quickly established a forum online. The post titled, “Instagram Antis Begin to Apologize After Receiving Legal Notice from LE SSERAFIM“immediately caught the attention of fans both domestically and internationally.

The author shared three screenshots on Weverse, showing an “anti”apologizing to Eunchae, Chaewon, and Sakura.

LE SSERAFIM's Anti-Fan Apologizes Following Group's Legal Notice — Here's How FEARNOTs Reacted
(Photo: Instiz)

“Hong Eunchae-nim, I’m sorry. There was a time when I liked you before. However, because there are so many things stressing me out and because I have no friends, seeing people swearing at you made me want to vent out my frustration by criticizing your singing ability and other things in the comments.

I’m really sorry. I realized my mistake and have refrained from commenting since the legal notice. I’m truly, truly sorry.”

LE SSERAFIM's Anti-Fan Apologizes Following Group's Legal Notice — Here's How FEARNOTs Reacted
(Photo: Instiz)

“Kim Chaewon-nim, I’m sorry. I’ve been following you around and picking on you whenever you leave a comment. I followed suit because there were many comments insulting you on Instagram.

At one point, I was also a fan of LE SSERAFIM, so I left comments wanting attention until I received it. Also, I thought that the LE SSERAFIM members wouldn’t see the comments anyway because there were so many.

Even if there is no forgiveness, if my guilt is established, I will accept it and bear the consequence, I’m truly sorry.”

LE SSERAFIM's Anti-Fan Apologizes Following Group's Legal Notice — Here's How FEARNOTs Reacted
(Photo: Instiz)

“Sakura-nim, I’m sorry. Recently, I saw negative comments related to your knitting on Instagram, and when I saw others leaving malicious comments about your singing ability, I also left some due to the stress I was under [in my life].

It wasn’t because I genuinely disliked you. I’m truly sorry for speaking ill of an innocent person. I’m reflecting on my actions, and I promise I won’t do this again. I’m sorry.”

This is how FEARNOTs responded to the post according to Instiz Instagram’s antis:

  • “The way she thinks sure is so immature. She must be young.”
  • “That’s an elementary school student right?”
  • “She really called it ‘wanting to receive attention?”
  • “Pathetic behavior.”
  • “Kids nowadays must know the difference between criticism and bullying/hate.
  • “You have the guts to say whatever sh** you did, why not face the consequences of your actions? Y’all need to do a video apology if y’all are seriously sorry.”
  • “Pathetic people, “relieving”their stress by spewing malicious hate to celebrities.”
  • “I hope these people get sued, otherwise they’ll continue to terrorize these poor girls smh.”
  • “It’s truly sad when haters join fan-only spaces, actual no-lifers.”

Do you have any thoughts on this? Feel free to share them in the comments section below.

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