Lethal Company Bestiary

Included below is the exhaustive compilation of creatures from Lethal Company, featuring a comprehensive list of all monsters.

Lethal Company Bestiary: All Monsters Listed

The bestiary provided below includes a combination of information from both the terminal on the ship and real-life experience regarding the Lethal Company monsters. This includes their behavior, hostility level, and the most effective way to handle them, whether it be avoidance or elimination.

To obtain monster profiles, it is important to utilize your radar whenever you come across a new monster. This will transfer the monster information to the terminal on your spaceship, allowing you to access it whenever you are on board.

To access the bestiary, simply approach the terminal on the ship and enter the command ‘Bestiary’ before pressing enter. This will bring up a new page where you can enter the name of the monster you have scanned to view its information.

Roaming Locusts

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Roaming Locusts are docile creatures commonly found outside. They are often one of the first creatures encountered upon stepping outside during a new moon. If you come near them, they will likely take flight.

Bestiary Entry for Roaming Locusts

“The roaming locust is a type of grasshopper known for its tendency to migrate in large groups. While some species are known for their jumping or flying abilities, roaming locusts are rarely seen on the ground and tend to stay in close proximity to one another, even when their numbers are smaller. When threatened by a predator, they will scatter quickly, but they are also strongly drawn to light.”

3 Manticoils

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Manticoils are often found outdoors, where they typically soar through the air in groups of three or more. They can often be spotted on the early moons you explore in the morning. These creatures from Lethal Company do not pose a danger and will fly away if you get too close.


“Mantacoils, members of the corvidae family, are passerine birds. They have a larger body size compared to their ancestors, with a wingspan ranging from 55 to 64 inches. Their most distinctive feature is their four wings, with the back wings providing stability at low speeds and the front two wings generating lift. These birds have circular bodies that are predominantly yellow in color, with black markings along their primary feathers.”

Manicoils primarily consume small insects, but they may also prey on small rodents. They possess high levels of intelligence and are social creatures. While they can transmit diseases such as Rabies, Rubenchloria, and Pitt Virus, they typically pose little danger and have a generally passive temperament towards humans.

Circuit Bees

Lethal Company beehive
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It is to be expected that the Circuit Beehive holds a significant value, typically around 100 credits. In order to steal the hive, one player must approach it and allow the bees to swarm them, while a second player can then take advantage of the unprotected Beehive. This results in the successful theft of the hive by two or more players.

Despite the hive being gone, the bees will still remain in a hostile state. They will continue to swarm around the outdoor area, searching for a player or their hive. To avoid being stung to death, it is advised to return to your ship and close the door.

Circuit Bees

The circuit bee, also referred to as the red bee, is a type of eusocial flying insect belonging to the genus Apis and descended from the honey bee. They are easily identifiable by their hairy, red bodies and two pairs of wings. Like their predecessors, they are renowned for their intelligent social behavior, large colony sizes, construction of wax nests used for honey storage, and crucial role in pollination. However, unlike honey bees, which tend to build their hives in high locations like trees, red bees prefer to establish their hives on the ground.

Red bees have a strong defense mechanism. They will aggressively protect the nest by attacking any intruders within a few meters, leaving behind only the queen and drone bees. This behavior is made possible by their unique ability to create an electrostatic charge. Red bees create friction with the air and within the hive by rubbing their two pairs of wings together and against each other. This allows them to defend their colony effectively.

Researchers are still trying to determine how they are able to produce a larger electric field than honey bees. They have been observed to generate a more intense electric field when feeling panicked or agitated, making this trait particularly advantageous for them in aquatic environments.

With a character count of 806, it is recommended to maintain your distance from red bee hives. If a hive is stolen, the red bees will swarm and attack any living creature in a destructive manner. This aggressive behavior can last for hours to days until the hive is retrieved or the bees exhaust themselves. They have a reputation of leaving behind a trail of dead small rodents, insects, and occasionally larger mammals, and in rare instances, they can even cause fires. The impact of their presence on the ecosystem is a topic of intense debate. As the indomitable Sigurd says, “BEEbated!”

Hoarding Bugs

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“As their name suggests, hoarding bugs are creatures that collect items and store them in their nests. They can be found running around the map, but they do not pose a threat unless provoked. If you try to take items from their nest, which can be located by chance or by following them, they will become aggressive and attack you. However, their attacks are not significant.”

Although Hoarding Bugs can be easily dealt with using a shovel or stop sign, it should be noted that they typically appear in groups of one to three.

Bestiary Entry for Hoarding Bugs

“Hymenoptera, commonly known as hoarding bugs, are social insects of a large size. Although they are typically solitary creatures, they have been observed cohabitating with other members of their species in their nests. On average, they have a height of 3 feet and a distinctive bulbous body. Their light weight is attributed to their thin fluid and blood, as well as the material of their carapaces, allowing them to fly with their membranous wings. This lightweight also gives their bodies a somewhat transparent appearance.”

Hoarding bugs earned their name from their habit of being territorial. Once they establish a nest, they will decorate it with any objects they can gather and will defend these items as part of their home. While hoarding bugs can be a threat when in large hives, they are relatively harmless when encountered alone. In fact, we find these silly cuddle bugs quite endearing. This message comes from the fearless Sigurd.

Snare Fleas

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While exploring indoor maps, it’s highly probable that you will come across Snare Fleas. Therefore, it’s advisable to have multiple members of your team carry flashlights if you know you’ll be entering such locations. These flashlights should be directed towards the ceiling, as that’s where the fleas tend to lurk.

If a player passes under a Snare Flea, it will descend and pursue them. If it manages to catch them, it will jump onto their head and impair their vision, silence their voice, and gradually deplete their health. This can be fatal unless a team member is present.

If you are with a teammate, they can remove the Snare Flea from the affected player’s head by using a shovel or stop sign. A single hit should be enough to make the Snare Flea detach itself. If you do not kill the Snare Flea, it will go back to the ceiling and attempt to attack you once more. Another option is to simply walk outside while the Snare Flea is still on your head, as it will automatically detach itself.

Bestiary Entry for Snare Fleas

The snare flea is a chilopod of considerable size. It creates silk from its body which it uses to move to hidden locations. Despite having a delicate exoskeleton, it can meet its demise from great heights. However, the snare flea does not possess venom or a powerful bite. It makes up for these shortcomings by being able to constrict and suffocate larger prey.

The snare flea prefers dark and warm environments, and is not able to survive in cold temperatures. It tends to avoid open spaces and sunlight. One option for getting rid of them is to take the rats outside, or alternatively, to physically remove them. The inner workings of the fleas could be used to make a tasty milkshake.

Spore Lizards

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Despite their seemingly threatening name, Spore Lizards are actually harmless creatures that are more comical than dangerous. In fact, they are quite endearing and pose no threat to humans. If you happen to come across one, it will most likely scurry away. However, if you find yourself confined indoors with one, it may nip you causing only minor damage or release a small amount of pink spores. While these spores may obstruct visibility, they are not hazardous in any way.

Bestiary Entry for Spore Lizards

“Also known as puffers or spore lizards, Lacerta-glomerorum (from the family Alligatoridae) is among the biggest and heaviest reptiles. Despite their sizeable mouths, they primarily feed on plants and do not possess a powerful bite. The bulbs on their tails produce a chemical that attracts and speeds up the growth of the fungus species Lycoperdon perlatum, which they can then disperse as spores as a defense mechanism–a remarkable case of a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship.”

Spore lizards are known for their shy nature and will try to avoid any kind of conflict. In situations where their attempts at intimidation do not work, they may resort to attacking, making it unwise to corner or pursue them. According to historical records, there were attempts to domesticate spore lizards several hundred years ago, but these efforts were abandoned in favor of harvesting their tails for medicinal purposes.


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Despite its immunity to all forms of damage, the Hygrodere can only harm you if you come into physical contact with it. Therefore, the most effective strategy to counter the Hygrodere is to leap over it. It is advisable to avoid attacking them, as this will provoke the blue haze and cause it to move more quickly.

Bestiary Entry for Hygroderes

“A eukaryotic organism belonging to the paraphyletic group Prostita. Due to their remarkable reproductive rate, these tiny organisms can quickly multiply to millions. Hygrodere typically do not divide, but instead form large, sticky masses that can occupy a significant amount of space and pose a threat, necessitating the use of sizable tools or bait to relocate them.”

Hygroderes are attracted to warmth and oxygen, and have the ability to detect it from any location. They have the capability to convert almost any organic substance into their own body mass and have not been found to be affected by any known toxins. Due to their constant regeneration, they can survive for hundreds of thousands of years. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you are trapped, try to find a tall object to stand on; hygroderes struggle with climbing. Additionally, they have excellent taste, as I have managed to befriend one through my music.

Bunker Spiders

Lethal Company Bunker Spider
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Thankfully, there are simple ways to defeat them. Just make sure to have a shovel or stop sign, as well as a nearby railing to jump on. Once you activate the Bunker Spider, lure it back to the railing and quickly jump on it. From there, use your shovel to defeat the spider.

Bestiary Entry for Bunker Spiders

The Theraphosa genus, commonly known as bunker spiders, holds the record for being the largest arachnid found in the Thistle Nebula and the second largest ever discovered. Scientists speculate that they may have evolved to hunt large mammals within a short span of several hundred years after the Boat’s journey around the Thistle Nebula. (Refer to: Speculation on Increased Speciation Around the Fading Nebulae)

The Bunker spiders rely on their silk for survival. They spin their webs around their designated nesting area and wait for unsuspecting prey to stumble upon it. These spiders are often found perched on walls, strategically positioned above doorways where they can easily catch their prey. If you happen to come across an unprepared bunker spider, it may freeze in a defensive stance. In such cases, it is advisable to leave them alone. However, if they become aggressive, it is best to avoid using regular tools to fight them. Due to their slow movement, they use their webs to compensate and capture their prey. Therefore, it is important to be aware of your surroundings. If needed, their webs can easily be broken with a blunt object.

The presence of Bunker spiders can pose a significant threat to both humans and urban explorers, with little benefit to their ecosystems. This has resulted in an unofficial agreement among several states where the Bunker spider is found to have them killed on sight. The ITDA has approved this measure as of 10/6/2497.

Bracken and Flower Man

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Nicknamed Flower Man, Bracken is a highly perilous being that is notoriously difficult to defeat, and is said to frequent all treacherous moons. One can easily spot them by their eerie habit of fixating their white eyes on you from the shadows.

When a Bracken is spotted in a well-lit area, it appears as a red, humanoid creature with a line of leaves running down its back. These creatures prefer to silently stalk their targets and, if left unchecked, will swiftly snap their victims’ necks when they are not paying attention.

In order to prevent this, it is necessary to quickly glance at the Bracken. Avoid staring or getting too close to a Bracken as it will become hostile. However, if you use the glance and run away method effectively, the Bracken will retreat for a certain amount of time. Bracken often have preferred rooms, usually located far from the exit, where they store the bodies of victims, making it challenging to retrieve them.

To defeat the Bracken, you can use a combination of stun grenades or a zap gun along with a shovel. The strategy is to stun the Bracken and then strike it with the shovel until it dies, typically requiring around 5 to 6 hits.

Bestiary Entry for Bracken

The genus to which the Bracken belongs is a topic of debate. This bipedal vertebrate has skin that resembles the color and texture of a red beet. The name was given due to the presence of leaf-like protrusions on its upper spine. These are thought to serve as a means of intimidation, but little is known about the behavior of brackens due to their elusive nature and small population.

Information about this elusive creature has been gathered from accounts by wildlife experts who have encountered it. Known as a lone hunter with remarkable intelligence, its behavior can appear distant and detached. Despite this, it displays high levels of aggression, often without provocation, but will quickly retreat when confronted. It has been observed that when brackens feel cornered or are closely observed for extended periods, they become even more hostile. As a precaution, it is advised to keep a watchful eye on this creature without directly staring at it. No specimens have ever been obtained, dead or alive. It is believed that upon death, the brackens undergo a rapid decomposition process that is unlike any other large animal.


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To ensure successful resource gathering, it is important to steer clear of Thumpers, which are hostile enemies. A useful strategy is to listen for the distinct sounds of dragging and stomping that Thumpers make as they traverse through complexes. If you happen to come across one, you will be alerted by its loud roar. At this point, the Thumper will gradually approach you before charging at a rapid pace.

In the limited time between the loud roar and the sluggish movement, you must swiftly divert down another passage where the Thumper cannot see you directly. Once there, you should make a conscious effort to keep changing directions in order to completely evade the Thumper.

In a similar manner to taking down Bunker Spiders, you can also eliminate them. All you need to do is hop onto a railing and use a shovel to strike them. Keep in mind, it may take five or more hits to defeat them.

Bestiary Entry: Thumpers

Halves, also known as Thumpers, belong to the order Chondrichthyes and are a highly aggressive species that feed on meat. Their bodies have a stretchy and rubbery quality due to their cartilaginous skeletons. The name “Halves”comes from their unique behavior of consuming their bottom legs to break out of their hatched egg, as these legs are not very functional. Their front legs, or arms, are remarkably powerful and they sometimes use them to stomp on their prey. These creatures are capable of achieving high speeds in a straight line.

The thumpers are known to be relentless hunters and are usually found at the top of their food chain. Their main vulnerabilities include their lack of intelligence and inability to hear. If you encounter a thumper, the best way to ensure your safety is to avoid being seen by it, as it moves slower around corners and struggles to track its prey.

Some believe that thumpers are a prime example of the rapid and unpredictable evolution of this species, as evidenced by the increased frequency of mutations.


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According to paper, Coil-Heads are a simple enemy. If you lock eyes with them, they will remain still, for the most part. Occasionally, they may suddenly dash towards you. It is wise to maintain a safe distance of a few feet between you and the Coil-Head at all times. These enemies can be quite troublesome when encountered in groups or when they are blocking a path.

When facing multiple enemies, assign a team member to focus on Coil-Head as their main task. To maneuver around a Coil-Head, carefully walk past while maintaining eye contact. However, avoid physical contact. If a Coil-Head is obstructing a path you need to take, you can step back and avert your gaze to lure them towards you. Repeat this tactic until you reach an open area where it is easier to avoid the Coil-Head.

Doors are a successful method of deterring Coil-Heads as well.

Bestiary Entry for Coil-Heads

The “Vir colligerus”, commonly known as Coil-heads, have not been extensively researched due to their extreme unpredictability and hazardous nature. They are known to spontaneously burst into flames during dissection or deactivation, and they contain dangerous levels of radioactive particles. These factors have led to speculation that they were designed as biological weapons for war, although this theory has not been confirmed.

The coil-heads have a visual appearance similar to a bloody mannequin, with their head attached by a spring. Their main behavior is to freeze when they are being observed, but this is not always consistent. At times, they may enter a prolonged reset mode when exposed to loud noises or bright lights.

To effectively deal with them, either stare or utilize a stun grenade, as suggested by Sigurd.


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As you may have inferred from Sigurd’s notes, the Jester is a formidable foe. It can only be encountered during hard moons or, on rare occasions, other moons. Essentially, it is akin to a mobile Jack in the Box.

Jesters possess three states. The initial state is its passive state, in which it remains until it comes across a player. During this period, it will roam around the map.

As soon as a player is located, the Jester will start trailing them. Eventually, it will transition into its second phase. During this phase, the Jester will use its arm to turn a crank and start playing the tune ‘Pop Goes the Weasel’, which will gradually increase in speed as it turns.

The final stage of the Jester’s attack is triggered when the song ends. A monstrous head will emerge from the Jester’s box and relentlessly chase players throughout the complex. Its ability to locate players is not reliant on sight. The Jester will continue to pursue players until they have all been eliminated or until they have left the building for at least five seconds. Once the players have left, the Jester will retreat back into its box.

As soon as you become aware that a Jester is nearby and trailing you, it is crucial to start strategizing your escape. The escape should be executed during its second stage.

Bestiary Entry for Jesters

“Leave the area before it becomes chaotic! You can’t escape it, so evacuate immediately.”

Despite our efforts, there is no existing scientific record for this phenomenon. Therefore, we can only offer you the same amount of information that we have. We have simply taken to referring to it as the “jester.”

Red Girl / Ghost Girl

lethal company, red ghost girl
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The Red Ghost Girl, a member of Lethal Company, stands apart as the sole monster that cannot be scanned and therefore lacks an official bestiary profile. She poses a lethal danger and can be encountered in both indoor and outdoor settings.

The Red Ghost Girl can only be seen by one player at a time when encountered. The haunting begins with the Ghost Girl appearing before the player, causing flickering lights, muffled and distorted hearing, and hearing of giggling and heavy breathing.

The Ghost Girl’s presence cannot be evaded and she can manifest both within and outside of the building. Eventually, she will transition from her Haunting state to her hunting state.

During this phase, the Red Ghost Girl will skip towards the selected player. If she makes contact with this player, they will be killed. The targeted player must then focus on running away from her, using up their resources and time. If they are unsuccessful and die, the Red Ghost Girl will move on to haunt another player. As a result, it is wise to have the targeted player distract her while the rest of the team gathers resources.

Forest Keeper

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The community refers to Forest Keepers as Giants and they are typically found outside during the night. They are easily noticeable when in motion due to their large size, but when they remain still, they can easily blend in with the surrounding trees.

If giants detect your presence, they become a dangerous threat and will try to capture and consume you. Being eaten means losing the person and their belongings. However, Forest Keepers are only alerted by movement, so the most effective method of avoiding them is to crouch and move slowly to stay out of their line of vision.

Bestiary Entry for Forest Keepers

The Forest Keepers, also known as behemoths, are believed to have a common ancestor with rapax-folium. They are often found in forested biomes, hence their name. Their bodies are adorned with markings on both their front and back that resemble eyes. This feature is more advantageous in their younger years as they are not particularly nimble. Their skin is a distinctive and thick material that continues to harden as they age. The large spikes and bumps that cover their bodies are a result of this process.

According to popular belief, Forest Keepers possess a peculiar trait that resembles that of a human child around the age of 5 or 6. They have a tendency to consume anything that captures their interest. However, even though Forest Keepers do not require any sustenance, it is believed that they obtain energy through a process similar to photosynthesis. As a result, observing them can be quite hazardous. They have exceptional vision, making it necessary to stay hidden and take advantage of cover. Additionally, they are unable to fit through small spaces and are not known to cause destruction, therefore it is advisable to stay near shelter or overhangs.

Eyeless Dogs

Image via Zeekerss

Eyeless Dogs, as their name suggests, have no sight and therefore heavily rely on their sense of touch and sound. Unfortunately, this also includes picking up mic input. When an Eyeless Dog becomes aware of your presence, it will let out a loud roar and immediately start searching the area for the source of the noise. If it locates you, it will grab you with its large mouth and shake you as if you were a giant dog toy.

The roar of an Eyeless Dog will alert all other Eyeless Dogs in the vicinity.

To prevent this from happening, it is advised to maintain quiet communication, remain crouched, and move slowly in order to pass by them. In case a group of Eyeless Dogs is obstructing your path, you have the option to request an item to be delivered, which will divert their attention to that area. Just make sure the item is not of high value, as you may regret not being able to retrieve it.

Bestiary Entry for Eyeless Dogs

“Saeptivus are known for their social nature, often hunting in large packs. They are often referred to as “breathing lions”due to their distinctive vocalizations and large mouths. As endurance hunters, they rely heavily on their sense of hearing to compensate for their poor eyesight. Despite the popular myth that they mistake the sounds of their own kind for prey, they are also known to engage in fights within their own packs.”

Eyeless dogs have a distinct behavior compared to other pack animals as they tend to spread out widely in order to cover long distances. Once one of them has located prey, it will emit a loud roar to signal others nearby, creating a chain reaction. Despite being potentially dangerous in large numbers, eyeless dogs are known for their clumsiness and often make incorrect guesses about the precise location of their prey.

Earth Leviathan

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Is it truly space without a monstrous earthworm lurking beneath the sand? Earth Leviathans can solely be located outdoors and can only be detected through the use of the ship’s radar. When utilizing the radar, a massive red dot will be visible, signaling the presence of an Earth Leviathan.

The Earth Leviathan will specifically seek out players who are outside. When it spots a player, it will let out a loud roar, which may be muffled by dirt. The player must then quickly flee or retreat the way they entered to avoid being consumed by the Earth Leviathan. Failing to do so in time will result in instant death and the loss of any items the player was carrying.

It is not safe to be near the Earth Leviathan’s attack while you are in range of rocks.

Bestiary Entry for Earth Leviathan

The Earth Leviathan, a member of the Piscicolidae family, is a highly revered invertebrate and one of the largest found near the Thistle Nebula. As none have been captured, little is currently known about their biology.

“They exhibit predatory behaviors, and it has been hypothesized that they are capable of burrowing up to 40 meters underground based on the impressive excavations they leave behind. They possess a heightened ability to detect even the most subtle vibrations, so it is advised to not remain still if they are in close proximity; this idea is actually a myth. Instead, if you hear them burrowing, it is best to backtrack.”

Baboon Hawk

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Baboon hawks, as their name suggests, are a unique mix of baboons and hawks. They can be seen hopping on the ground with their sturdy hind legs, while also possessing wings and a sharp beak which they use to defend themselves against anyone who approaches them too closely.

Baboon Hawks are typically only aggressive and likely to attack if they outnumber you and you enter their territory. However, if you and your team outnumber them, they will usually avoid confrontation. If you venture alone into their territory, they will likely attack. These birds have a tendency to stalk players and are extremely challenging to defeat.

If you find yourself in Baboon Hawk territory and are outnumbered, the safest course of action is to quickly sprint through to reach safety. Throwing a stun grenade can also help to create a distraction and give you some time. However, it is not advisable to attempt to kill them as they are difficult to defeat and often travel in groups. Trying to fight them off may only lead to being overwhelmed.

Bestiary Entry for Baboon Hawks

Baboon hawks, members of the Cercopithecidae family, are a type of primate. Although they are hunchbacked, they can reach heights of up to 8 feet. Their heads are bony and have bird-like beaks and long horns, which they use to skewer and consume their prey. These horns are made of keratin, unlike the rest of their skulls, and do not have any nerves or blood vessels. This allows baboon hawks to easily break and regrow their horns within a single season. The name “baboon hawk”is partly derived from their large wings, which are not strong enough to support their massive body weight, but are used for intimidation and protection from

The largest baboon hawk troop ever observed consisted of 18 baboon hawks. These birds are typically loosely territorial and often engage in displays of intimidation. They may also collect flashy or colorful objects to mark their territory. As solitary scouts, baboon hawks are generally timid and will only attack if provoked. However, in larger groups, they can pose a significant threat. To prevent an attack, it is best to stick with others and appear dangerous. While they typically prefer smaller mammals, baboon hawks have been known to use their numbers to attack animals twice their size, such as eyeless dogs, when desperate.


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Upon first observation, the Nutcracker can be identified as a tall tin soldier that guards specific moons, such as 85-Rend, 8-Titan, and 7-Dine. These enemies are known for their high level of danger, as they carry Shotguns that can be obtained by defeating them.

One can easily identify the presence of a Nutcracker by its loud footsteps and marching melody. Upon spotting one, the most effective approach may vary depending on the mode it is currently in.

Sentry Mode – When the Nutcracker is stationary and its singular eye is revealed (with its entire head lifted up), you must remain still. This is known as sentry mode, as the eye is able to detect any movement. Once the eye is no longer focused on you, you can safely approach and attack the Nutcracker until it is defeated. However, if it spots you while in sentry mode, it will chase and shoot at you. To avoid this, you can strategically use cover, such as doorways, to bait out its shots twice before engaging in combat. Once the shots have been fired

If the Nutcracker is moving, it is in Patrolling Mode. If it spots you, it will pursue and fire at you. Your best strategy is to take cover and lure the Nutcracker into using up its shotgun ammunition. After its second shot, the Nutcracker will have to go through a lengthy animation to reload, giving you the perfect chance to eliminate it.

When attempting to eliminate Nutcrackers, it is best to avoid long corridors as they do not provide any cover. However, if a Nutcracker happens to fall backwards into a wall upon its death, it may bring its Shotgun with it. Therefore, it is advisable to deliver the final blow in a more open space.

35 Bestiary Entry for Nutcrackers

The protectors of the residence.

Their tireless eye remains fixed, only detecting movement and recalling the last creature it observed, regardless of whether they are currently in motion.


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The Masked is not an independent entity, but rather a state that can be assumed by employees of Lethal Company. Masks can be obtained on the moons 85-Rend and 8-Titan.

During their time on these Moons, employees may come across a type of scrap known as the Mask. These Masks are available in two variations: Comedy or Tragedy, and will display a smile or a frown accordingly. The Masks pose no threat unless they are held up to the face for an extended period of time. In such cases, the Tragedy mask has the potential to instantly change the wearer’s appearance.

After this occurs, the Mask will cause the death of the person holding it and attach itself to their face. Subsequently, the impacted employee will have no control and the Masked will commence hunting the remaining employees.

The Masked are capable of mimicking the actions of regular players, such as peeking around corners, spinning in circles, and surveying their surroundings. However, it is possible to identify a Masked individual by the presence of a Mask on their helmet.

When a Masked extends its arms and its mask lights turn red, it is preparing to attack a player. You must act quickly to either escape or eliminate the Masked. While stun weapons can temporarily stop the Masked from attacking, they will not permanently disable them. Therefore, it is essential to eliminate the Masked employee as soon as possible.

The Masked has a tendency to only attack one employee at a time, so it is most effective to handle it as a team. The designated target should run in circles, preferably in an open area, while the rest of the team works together to defeat the Masked. Shotguns can also be effective at close range.


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The Butler is a new character added in Version 50 of the game, typically found inside manors and mansions. This indoor entity can be seen sweeping the floors with a broom, giving the impression of innocence. However, be wary when facing the Butler alone without any other players nearby. In such situations, the Butler will reveal its true nature, brandishing a knife and attempting to eliminate you. If the Butler succeeds in killing you, it will revert to its passive state and retreat to the farthest room on the map.

The Butler can be eliminated in the same manner as any other opponent, allowing you to obtain its knife. This weapon can then be used to harm other players and creatures. Additionally, the knife acquired from the Butler can be sold for scraps in order to meet your quota. Furthermore, defeating the Butler will result in the appearance of a swarm of Mask Hornets.

Bestiary Entry for Butler

“There is no existing file on this individual, so I am creating one myself. We have been encountering these unusual creatures in the mansion, but they refuse to communicate with us and seem completely oblivious to our presence. They resemble deflated balloons and emit a putrid odor similar to rotting meat, even worse than what Richard is capable of. I have even witnessed flies buzzing around inside their bodies. Jess claimed to have seen something crawl out of one of their eye sockets and then retreat back inside.”

I am unsure of how to perceive this man.

It seems that the workers simply stroll around and tidy up the floor, which could explain why the mansion is always so spotless. At least they are fulfilling their duties. Although, I can’t shake the feeling that the unsettling individuals are watching me when I’m not paying attention.

Update: Rich was being chased with a knife. Although we didn’t witness it, he claims that when he entered the room, the butler casually grabbed its broom and began sweeping as if nothing had occurred. As a result, we have all decided to stick together from this point on. These butlers are despicable! I now have to stay closer to Rich and he is most likely furious in his suit.”

Old Bird

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The Hopping Update introduced two outdoor entities, including Old Bird, a colossal Mech Robot that initially appears offline. It only becomes active at 5 PM or when the core battery is removed from the facility.

The Old Bird features a massive searchlight on its head and is armed with rockets, which it will fire upon detecting a player. Additionally, if you happen to get too close, it will grab you and incinerate you with flames, causing immediate death.

To evade the Old Bird, it is recommended to take cover behind structures or move out of their line of sight. As mentioned in the Bestiary, they have difficulty tracking players and turning quickly. This strategy can help players avoid being detected by the Old Bird.

40 Bestiary Entry for Old Bird

The Old Bird is a humanoid weapon of war with autonomous capabilities. Standing at 19 feet tall and 11 feet wide, it is easily recognizable by its two main features: a 100,000-lumen spotlight on its head and a long-range acoustic device on its chest known as a sound cannon. The Old Bird also has additional speakers on its shoulders that can project sound over long distances. Its left arm is a claw, while its right arm is equipped with a nozzle capable of launching rocket-propelled grenades and emitting a scorching hot flame at close-range. This weapon was one of the first to be used and mass-produced beyond Earth’s orbit.

The origin of the Old Birds has been a highly contentious topic ever since their initial appearance on December 18, 2143. This was when a large group of Old Birds invaded the Anglen Capital, leading to one of the major contributing factors in the downfall of the Anglen Empire. While the most widely accepted theory revolves around the ongoing tension between the Anglen and Buemoch military in the 2100s, there has been no concrete evidence to support this claim in the centuries that have passed. In fact, the design of the Old Bird, including its use of metals, seems deliberately crafted to obscure its true origins. Some have even referred to it as a “walking ransom letter.”

The legs of Old Birds act like rockets, enabling them to cover great distances and locate targets with ease. However, the primary purpose of this feature is most likely to aid in their entry and landing from orbit. The materials and fuel used by Old Birds are comparable to those used in passenger spacecrafts around the year 2130.

The Old Birds land and remain on their desired planet indefinitely. While they typically possess ample fuel for a single journey, their programming does not indicate any inclination to “migrate.”However, there are unconfirmed reports of Old Birds traveling independently to a different planet after centuries of inactivity.

In history, the Old Bird was known as the “Al”after the code name given by the English military, the “A16-L31”. However, in 2384, the song “Old Birds”was released by the post-punk band Under Remora and quickly gained a cult following. Just three years later, street artist Land Eyrie immortalized the automotons in his famous work titled “Old Birds”, depicting them flying and landing between planets in a formation reminiscent of a flock of geese. This iconic image has greatly influenced modern culture and solidified the nickname for the Old Bird.

The year 2356 marked the classification of 5-Embrion as Condemned for travel or settlement by the Boat. Witness accounts described Old Birds as “lining the horizon”, leading to their classification. Despite appearing inoperative, there is a reasonable possibility that many are still in sleep mode, thus maintaining the planet’s status. It is believed that the small moon served as a testing ground for the flying and landing capabilities of the Old Birds. It is advised not to provoke them as they have the tendency to give rides without warning. They have poor navigation skills and are unable to turn quickly, making them a nuisance.

Tulip Snakes

Screenshot by Prima Games

The new update has introduced Tulip Snakes as another type of outdoor creature. These small creatures have wings and attach themselves to the player’s head, lifting them into the air.

These monsters are the only ones in the game that won’t attack you, making them quite useful. By having multiple monsters latch onto you, you can fly around the map, similar to a Jetpack. The only distinction is that you have no control over the height at which you ascend.

You can effectively defeat them all with just one hit of a shovel, no matter how many are latched onto you. However, there will come a time when they will release you from above, potentially causing fall damage. Therefore, it is crucial to monitor your player’s health carefully.

Bestiary Entry for Tulip Snakes

Tulip snakes, also known as tulip lizards, are a unique species of flying lizard recognized by their elongated arms and wings that can grow up to twice the size of other members in the Draco genus. These creatures are further distinguished by their vibrant colors and intricate patterns. Their moniker is derived from the flap-like structures located under their neck and behind their head, resembling large flower petals. In addition, tulip snakes possess extraordinary features such as an extra pair of eyes and a deeply forked tail.

Despite their stubborn and fearless behavior, tulip snakes are known to rarely flee from predators. Interestingly, many biologists believe that their flowery appearance serves as a camouflage rather than an intimidation display. This unique physical trait also plays a significant role in their intricate courtship rituals, which bear a striking resemblance to those of birds.

The tulip snake’s mating display often involves lifting heavy and large objects into the air, a behavior that is unique to this species. These snakes are able to carry objects that are twice their size, such as rocks and plants, in order to impress a potential mate. This behavior can also be seen as protective and jealous, as male snakes may engage in tug-of-war fights over objects they are attracted to, even including other living creatures.

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