Location of Wuthering Waves Photo Mode Screenshots on PC

The photo mode of Wuthering Waves allows users to capture pictures of their characters in various poses. While it currently has limited features, users can still adjust the depth of field. To view the captured photos, the location of Wuthering Waves photo mode screenshots on your PC is available.

Wuthering Waves Photo Mode Screenshots Location

The photos that you have captured in Wuthering Waves can be found in the main installation folder at the designated location.

Wuthering Waves\Wuthering Waves Game\Client\Saved\ScreenShot

The ScreenShot folder stores all of the screenshots captured using the photo mode. However, it is disappointing to note that the resolution of these screenshots is limited to 720p, regardless of the resolution selected in the settings.

Using Photo Mode in Wuthering Waves

To activate the photo mode in Wuthering Waves, simply access the main in-game menu and click on the camera icon located in the bottom right corner.

With the photo mode activated, you have the ability to modify the zoom, reposition the camera, direct the character’s gaze towards the camera, control the depth of field, and adjust their current pose.

Once you are content with the arrangement, you have the option to press F on your keyboard or A/X on your controller.

Following that, a preview of the photo will be displayed, and you can save it by clicking on the save icon located at the bottom. Additionally, you have the option to hide your profile details, which typically appear at the bottom right.

Despite the addition of a photo mode by the developers, it remains quite basic in its current form. There are no available filters or post-processing effects, aside from adjusting the depth of field. However, we remain hopeful that future updates will introduce more features to enhance the photo mode and allow players to capture even better images of their characters.

Discover the method for obtaining a complimentary five-star resonator early on in the game, as well as the most effective approach for acquiring echoes.

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