Locations for Stark Industry Chests in Fortnite

Tony Stark wants players to recognize his generosity, so he has placed Stark Industry Chests throughout Fortnite, brimming with supplies.

Much like the Avengers and Doom Chests, these Stark chests contain loot specifically tied to Iron Man, including the new mythic items introduced in Fortnite v31.20.

With players eager to don the Iron Man suit, you’ll need to be swift and have all the Stark Chest locations committed to memory to secure these items before others.

Complete List of Stark Chest Locations in Fortnite

Fortnite map indicating Stark Chest locations
Image Credit: dexerto/Fortnite
  • West of The Raft
  • North of the Nitrodrome
  • Northeast of Grim Gate
  • South of Doom’s Courtyard
  • South of Reckless Railways
  • West of Mount Olympus

Location: West of The Raft

Captain Jonesy locating a Stark Chest in Fortnite
Map showing Stark Chest location west of The Raft

On the western border of the map, there’s a Stark Chest often overlooked. This spot is risky as players are likely to be caught in the early storm. Look for the red chest located beneath a metal structure.

Location: North of the Nitrodrome

Captain Jonesy finding a Stark Chest at the Nitrodrome
Map showing Stark Chest location north of the Nitrodrome

Travel northeast from the Nitrodrome to discover another fenced area featuring a central landing pad. Look for another Stark Chest protected by a metal barrier.

Location: Northeast of Grim Gate

Captain Jonesy at the Stark Chest northeast of Grim Gate
Map marking Stark Chest position northeast of Grim Gate

You’ll find this Stark Chest just northeast of the River Styx’s green waters, hidden beneath a staircase and well-guarded by fences.

Location: South of Doom’s Courtyard

Captain Jonesy uncovering a Stark Chest south of Doom's Courtyard
Map pinpointing Stark Chest south of Doom's Courtyard

Across from the Cemetery, you will find another fenced area featuring a landing pad. This Stark Chest is situated under the fence, right beside a yellow power device.

Location: South of Reckless Railways

Captain Jonesy spot finding Stark Chest south of Reckless Railways
Map featuring Stark Chest location south of Reckless Railways

This Stark Chest can be found nestled in a grassy area just south of Reckless Railways. Although the area is more open, it is still protected by several fences to keep it safe from foes.

Location: West of Mount Olympus

Captain Jonesy discovering a Stark Chest west of Mount Olympus
Map showing Stark Chest position west of Mount Olympus

As the golden terrain of Mount Olympus transitions into a wasteland, you will notice a fenced area adorned with a few yellow antennas. Within this area, you can locate one of the six Stark Chests concealed under a metal structure.

Weapons Available from Stark Chests

Stark Chests in Fortnite
Image Credit: Epic Games/Guille_GAG

The Stark Chests now contain higher rarity Energy Rifles along with various mythics.

Inside these Stark Chests, you’ll find the Iron Man Combat or Flight kit. Moreover, there may be Stark Mobile Armory deliveries at these chest locations, adding Captain America’s Shield, Machine’s Auto Turret, Hover Jets, and Arsenal into the mix.

During the third storm circle, Stark Mobile Armory deliveries will commence at six locations. It’s important to note that not all locations will receive a delivery simultaneously—only selected locations will see the initial drops. You’ll notice Iron Man map icons indicating where they land, and you will have the chance to witness these massive crates descending from above, quite a sight if you enjoy that kind of thing.

That’s everything you need to know about Stark Chests in Fortnite. As you prepare for battle, don’t forget to explore all the mythics and easter eggs available this season!


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