Locations of All Opponents in Hogwarts

There are many of adversaries to battle in Hogwarts Legacy, and many of them drop useful artifacts and potion components. As a consequence, players will want to know the ideal spots to find each of the game’s adversary kinds.

Dugbogs, Inferi, and Thornback Spiders are some adversaries in Hogwarts Legacy that drop very important goods and ingredients. In addition, there are a number of dangerous enemies that may be destroyed as part of a Field Guide Challenge, and they are equally dispersed around the game’s globe. This guide will show you some easy-to-reach spots where you may find various opponent kinds early in the game.

Potion Ingredients Dropping Enemies


corrupted dugbog in hogwarts legacy

Dugbogs are hostile magical monsters that look like toads and attack with charging headbutts and lengthy tongues. They may take a lot of damage in a fight unless players employ Levioso and Diffindo well to exploit their main vulnerability.

Dugbogs may be found in most bodies of shallow water. The formula for Concentration Potions includes dugbog tongues.

Hogwarts Legacy Dugbog Lair

Dugbogs are classified into three types: Great Spined, Cottongrass, and Stoneback. Rampant is another version of Infamous Foe. They all act the same way and drop the same items. The map above depicts the location of an easily accessible Dugbog Den in the South Hogwarts Area, which may be discovered by following the river south from the Lower Hogsfield Hamlet.


Inferi Zombie Hogwarts Legacy Harry Potter

Inferi, servants produced from corpses via the use of evil magic, are another terrible opponent that players may face during their journeys. They are frequently seen guarding treasure vaults or in numerous Inferi lairs in the South Hogwarts Area, such as the one illustrated on the map below. They drop the Stench of the Dead, a component required to make Thunderbrew.

Hogwarts Legacy_Inferi Location


hogwarts legacy arachnophobia spiders acromantula grounded safe mode

Spiders are another sort of opponent that appears in alarmingly huge numbers throughout the game. Spiders, which can be found in the game’s various caverns and in spider lairs all throughout the area, are worth fighting for their fangs. Spider Fangs are essential to potion makers since they are utilized in the Maxima Potion formula. The map below depicts a somewhat easy-to-reach hideout near Forbidden Forest.

Hogwarts Legacy_Spider Lair


hogwarts legacy troll

Trolls are more difficult to find, yet locating them is critical for players seeking Troll Bogies and Invisibility Potions. They may be discovered at Troll Lairs or armed by Loyalists at some of their camps, and there are a lot of effective techniques for fast depleting their massive health bars.

Hogwarts Legacy_Troll Lair 1
Hogwarts Legacy_Troll Lair 2

Here are two easily accessible Troll Dens in the Feldcroft Area.

Dark Mongrels

dark mongrel in hogwarts legacy

A popular pet found at numerous Poacher Camps and Lairs around the gaming globe. Dark Mongrels are violent yet simple to deal with since their charging attacks can be repelled with Protego or disrupted with Depulso to great effect. As seen on the map below, an easy-to-reach Lair may be discovered in the South Hogwarts Region.

Hogwarts Legacy_Mongrel Location

Other Forms of Enemies

Ashwinders & Poachers

Casting Levioso on an Ashwinder in Hogwarts Legacy

The Ashwinders may be found in numerous camps across the game world, as well as appearing as opponents on a frequent basis throughout the main tale. They utilize spells similarly to the player and can defend themselves with shields that must be broken with the appropriate kind of spell. Poachers and Ashwinders have several of the same opponent types and movesets. Greater Ashwinder and Poacher variations employ unblockable spells such as Petrificus Totalus, which must be evaded rather than stopped, or charge up tremendous lightning and firestorm spells.

Hogwarts Legacy_Bandit Camp

Poacher Animagi, who can morph into dark mongrels and attack with pouncing and charging strikes, are also occasionally found. When defeated while changed, they revert to human form with the same amount of health as before, however their metamorphosis may be terminated instantaneously by casting the Transformation spell on them. Poachers and Ashwinders can be found in the South Hogwarts Region at Bandit Camps like the one seen on the map above.


hogwarts legacy goblins

Another opponent type that has camps and hideouts all across the game area and appears frequently in the main plot is Goblin Loyalists. They may be quite a problem if players don’t duck and block as required for the attack, with a variety of assassins, commanders, and marksmen that use goblin magic with melee and ranged weaponry.

Hogwarts Legacy_Goblin Loyalist Camp

A Loyalist Camp may be found in a short pass that links the South Hogwarts Area to the Feldcroft Region, and it is easily accessible after players are allowed to wander beyond the castle, as depicted on the map above.

Hogwarts Legacy is already available on the PS5, PC, and Xbox Series X/S, and will soon be available for the PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

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