LoL Developers Implement Changes to Make It Harder for New Accounts to Start Playing Ranked

Riot Games, the developer of League of Legends, is implementing a new rule that mandates players to complete 10 normal games before entering ranked mode in order to discourage new accounts from participating.

Smurfing has been an ongoing issue in League of Legends since the game’s creation. Being a free-to-play game, players have the ability to create numerous new accounts at any time. This allows them to join ranked matches and manipulate the game’s matchmaking system in order to dominate inexperienced players.

Riot, the developer of the game, has implemented several measures to discourage the creation of smurf accounts, as they can greatly disrupt the gameplay for others. These measures include requiring the account to be at least level 30 and have a minimum of 20 champions unlocked.

Now, in an effort to combat smurfing, Riot is implementing another measure that will also help new accounts become better positioned when playing ranked.

League of Legends ranked requirements
Riot Games

New accounts need to play at least 10 normal games before hopping into ranked now.

According to the Patch 14.15 notes, Riot is introducing a new regulation that mandates newly created accounts to complete a minimum of 10 normal games before gaining access to the ranked mode.

Generally, this should not pose a significant problem for new players. It is recommended to first play in normal games before testing your skills in ranked matches.

Numerous smurf accounts employ AI games to swiftly reach level 30, especially those controlled by bots for resale purposes. These updated regulations aim to prohibit these bot accounts from participating in ranked matches and introduce further obstacles for individuals attempting to create smurf accounts.

The implementation of this new rule also enables Riot to gain a deeper understanding of players’ MMR, ultimately resulting in more effective matchmaking. Although these changes are in their initial stages, they demonstrate the developers’ commitment to promoting a positive gaming experience.

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