LoL devs introduce major quality of life mission to Hall of Legends battle pass

Riot Games, the developers of League of Legends, have recently implemented a significant quality-of-life repeating mission in the Hall of Legends battle pass. This update allows players to complete the mission more efficiently and effectively.

The Hall of Legends event, which showcases a battle pass, Ahri skin, and other features, has been updated with a significant quality-of-life enhancement by the League of Legends developers. This event was initially designed to recognize the accomplishments of renowned professional players, with the first iteration paying tribute to Faker, widely considered one of the most famous LoL players of all time.

Despite the controversy surrounding the Ahri skin, the battle pass for the event provides players with numerous rewards, such as mythic essence, WeT T1 skins, and other cosmetics, making it one of the most impressive passes in recent memory. Additionally, the leveling requirements are not excessive, making it a much less tedious grind compared to other event passes.

Riot has recently announced a new quality of life update for the pass on their website. This update aims to further assist players by introducing a repeatable mission that grants experience upon completion.

This alteration specifically targeted ARAM and Arena players who were unable to complete certain objectives, such as defeating powerful monsters or destroying towers. By completing these tasks, players could advance through missions more quickly and earn rewards with fewer games played.

The developers claim that the Hall of Legends passes require less time to reach maximum level than standard event passes, resulting in a more enjoyable and less tedious experience.

In the past, players have frequently voiced this complaint about event passes, making it a common concern. Therefore, it is reassuring to see that the developers are taking note and valuing the time and money of players.

The Hall of Legends event, which concludes on July 8th, 2024, allows players until July 15th to collect their loot and battle pass rewards.

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