LoL Devs Rush Out Aurora Patch to Apologize for Whiplash Nerfs

The developers of League of Legends have released a new micropatch for Aurora, which includes several buffs for the champion. They have also issued an apology for the previous nerf that was too severe and caused players to experience “whiplash.”

Aurora, the solo lane mage from the Frejlord, has been available on the live server for some time now, giving players the opportunity to test her out. Her playstyle focuses on burst damage and kiting, utilizing her invisibility, movement speed, and healing to outplay her opponents.

As with many recently introduced champions, Aurora proved to be slightly overpowered, leading the developers to tone down her abilities in Patch 14.15. Furthermore, a hotfix on 2 August implemented additional nerfs to Aurora, decreasing her base armor, passive damage, and Q damage.

It appears that the developers at Riot may have been too aggressive with their use of the nerf bat this time, as one of their team members has publicly acknowledged and apologized for the negative impact it has had on players. On a positive note, they have also implemented some beneficial buffs for Aurora players to balance things out.

Riot’s Squad5lol, the lead champion designer, took to Twitter to unveil the buffs for Aurora. These include higher AP ratios for her passive, a reversal of cooldown on her Q, and enhanced minion damage on her Q.

The recent buffs partially undo the previous nerfs, which implies that she will remain weaker than her previous state. Yet, the modifications are expected to encourage players to choose her as their champion.

Based on data from, the popular League of Legends stat website, Aurora boasts a pick rate of 6.77% and a respectable win rate of 50.06%.

In terms of statistics, this is already quite impressive for a newly introduced champion, especially considering that a lot of players are still getting familiar with her abilities.

This could potentially result in future nerfs, although they may not occur as rapidly as before.

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