LoL Players Call for Complete Rework of One Underused Rune

The community of League of Legends players is urging the developers to either revamp or eliminate the Predator rune due to its limited usefulness and exceptionally low rate of selection.

The community of League of Legends players are urging developers Riot Games to either completely revamp or eliminate the Predator rune from the game. Due to its extremely low usage, numerous players are advocating for its replacement with a different rune, in order to introduce more diverse strategies in the MOBA.

In League of Legends, choosing different runes can provide players with a variety of bonuses. These runes determine a specific style of play that can alter the way a champion is used, such as granting additional movement speed or stronger shielding.

Predator, a rune found in the Domination tree, is typically favored by Assassins and aggressive champions seeking to inflict damage and close the distance between themselves and their opponents. This rune bestows a boost of speed to boots, allowing for a sudden burst of movement towards enemies, making it an ideal choice for junglers. However, it appears that this rune has not lived up to its potential, and many players are calling for its removal.

Durian Defender Rammus Splash Art
Riot Games

Even champions like Rammus, who rely on movement speed for their ganks no longer run the rune.

“The request on a Reddit thread was for someone to simply replace the rune rather than taking it away entirely. While some may argue that a few people may “miss it,”they would be in the minority.

Initially, the rune was considered excessively strong, but after undergoing multiple nerfs and revisions, it has failed to maintain its power compared to other options. As a result, the rune is rarely used, which is unfortunate as it was well-received by many players for its impact on gameplay.

“This particular rune stands out as it doesn’t simply increase damage output, but instead alters the gameplay itself. I wish we had more runes with similar effects.”

Unsealed Spellbook and Kleptomancy, two runes that caused a significant shift in gameplay, have been removed. Despite no modifications being made since Season 12, it is unlikely that any new changes will be introduced, potentially leaving it as a forgotten relic of the past.

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