LoL Streamer Survives Fall from Window, Enters Coma, and Ranks His Injuries in a Tier List

LoL Streamer Survives Fall from Window, Enters Coma, and Ranks His Injuries in a Tier List

In a remarkable recovery story, League of Legends streamer No Arm Whatley fell from a third-story window and, after spending weeks in a coma, has finally been discharged from the hospital.

Whatley had taken an unanticipated break from streaming, returning weeks later only to disclose that he had been in a coma following a serious accident. While attempting to close a window in his apartment, it unexpectedly detached from its frame, causing him to plummet three stories.

This fall resulted in severe head trauma, including skull fractures and necessitated multiple emergency surgeries to save his life. After enduring a two-week coma and a total of seven weeks in the hospital, Whatley was finally allowed to go home.

In his first tweet after recovery, Whatley expressed his excitement about returning to League of Legends, humorously stating that he “cannot f**king wait to play.” He also crafted a tier list detailing his life-threatening injuries.

Whatley’s comprehensive injury list includes:


  • Acute Subdural Hematoma
  • Two brain bleeds
  • Two brain contusions
  • Baldness


  • Viscous hemorrhaging in right eye
  • Submacular hemorrhaging in left eye


  • Fractured pelvis
  • Fractured spine
  • Broken foot
  • Possible permanent loss of taste

Whatley disclosed that he suffered severe traumatic brain injuries, which led to internal bleeding so intense that doctors performed a Craniotomy to relieve the pressure from blood accumulation in his skull.

“They had to essentially open up my skull to relieve the pressure. It was an extremely distressing procedure; for weeks, I could feel the pieces of my skull shifting in my head. It was genuinely a miserable experience, yet here I am, having survived,” he recounted, noting the “miraculous” nature of retaining most of his cognitive functions.

He mentioned that although the brain injuries were the most daunting aspect of the ordeal, he humorously elevated baldness to S-Tier status as well: “While the medical ramifications of these injuries are severe, the social impact of my hair loss is impactful too. My hairline is not in great shape, hence baldness gets its place in S-Tier. I truly don’t enjoy being bald.”

Throughout this tough time, Whatley has managed to keep his sense of humor intact. He mentioned that while he can still play Yuumi at a basic level, taking on champions requiring more coordination is currently beyond his capability, predominantly due to his almost complete blindness.

This blindness stems from internal bleeding in his brain, which may resolve itself over time or necessitate more surgery. Whatley is optimistic about making a sufficient recovery to return to playing League of Legends, all while keeping updated on patch notes from his hospital bed. He intends to resume streaming soon.


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