LoL’s Latest Rework Falls Short as Champion’s Pick Rate Continues to Plummet

LoL’s Latest Rework Falls Short as Champion’s Pick Rate Continues to Plummet

Despite the visual and gameplay update for Skarner in League of Legends, his pick rate has returned to pre-rework levels, indicating that the changes may have been unsuccessful.

Over the years, League of Legends has had a rich history of updates to its roster. Since its debut in 2009, numerous new champions have been added, continuously expanding the complexity and content of the MOBA game.

Despite the continual updates and changes made to League of Legends, some of the older characters have been left in a state of neglect. Their visuals and kits are outdated and no longer fit well with the current version of the game. To address this, the developers have been dedicating a significant amount of time to reworking these characters, with Skarner being the latest to receive a major visual and gameplay update.

Despite the efforts put into Skarner’s rework, it appears that the developers were not able to achieve the level of success they had hoped for. The champion’s pick rate has dropped to a level similar to what it was before the changes were implemented.

Earthrune Skarner Splash Art
Riot Games

Skarner’s pick rate has dropped to the same levels before his rework, leaving him just as unpopular as ever.

According to the stat website for League of Legends, Skarner’s pick rate in both jungle and top lane currently stands at a mere 0.62%. Even before his rework, Skarner was a seldom chosen champion due to his clunky kit, making him an unattractive option.

The rework significantly addressed numerous issues, such as providing him with increased mobility for ganking. However, the extensive buffs he received during the rework made him overly dominant. As a result, Skarner has undergone five nerfs in various patches, including two hotfix nerfs, since his release.

These nerfs have significantly diminished his viability in many situations, particularly when compared to his strong performance in higher elo and professional matches compared to lower ones.

The developers have promised to address his issues following the declaration that his rework was a “failure”. However, with only minor tweaks mentioned in Patch 14.15, it appears that the scorpion may need to step aside until Riot devises a solution to increase his viability and popularity once again.

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