The developers have confirmed that Aurora, the latest addition to League of Legends, is the game’s first character with autism.
The latest addition to League of Legends is Aurora, the champion who was recently unveiled. This solo lane Vastayan mage originates from the Frejlord and brings with her a plethora of new lore from the region, as well as an intriguing kit to the MOBA.
Despite her many fascinating attributes, one aspect of Aurora that stands out is her identification as autistic. As stated in the Champion Insights blog published by Riot Games on June 20th, she is the first character in the game to represent autism.

Aurora has been confirmed as the first autistic character in League of Legends.
“According to senior narrative writer Elyse ‘apothecarie’ Lemoine, Aurora is described as autistic in our world. However, in Runeterra, there is no specific term for her and she is simply known as Aurora.”
Riot has also introduced champions such as Neeko and K’sante, who have been openly part of the LGBTQ+ community since their debut.
A few of the developers were motivated to share their personal journeys as neurodivergent individuals, and Aurora provided them with an opportunity to incorporate a aspect of their lives into their beloved game. They acknowledged that since autism is a spectrum, it is impossible to accurately capture the entire experience, so they focused on representing the fundamental aspects of being autistic.
Our unique perspectives and thought processes may not align with the expectations of others, but it is precisely this individuality that we want to showcase in Aurora.
Additionally, they believed that Aurora should not be held to the same expectations as other autistic characters and instead, she should break barriers and set new standards.
The official release date for Aurora on the live servers will be July 14, 2024, alongside Patch 14.14.
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