Lovely Runner Star Denies Involvement in Burning Sun Chat Room Allegations Raised by BBC

In response to the release of a BBC documentary that shed light on the 2019 “Burning Sun”incident, former model-turned-actor Lee Cheol-woo made a statement regarding the accusations against him.

On May 20th, Lee Cheol-woo stated, “Hello, I’m Lee Cheol-woo. As I previously mentioned through the company, I want to reaffirm that I was not involved in the chat room.”The chat room in question was a “program chat room”used to discuss schedules and filming for JTBC’s show “Hitmaker”in 2016. There were no private discussions, and the chat room was disbanded after the show ended.

lee chul woo

The speaker expressed that not only himself, but also his family and acquaintances have been negatively affected by the spread of false information and malicious comments for many years. He earnestly requests that people refrain from making reckless speculations and warns that he will take strong action against those who spread such false information.

During the Burning Sun incident in 2019, Lee Cheol-woo was under suspicion for being part of Jung Joon-young’s group chat room. However, his agency clarified that he was not involved in the problematic chat room. Furthermore, Lee Cheol-woo has never engaged in the filming or distribution of illegal videos and has not been contacted by any related agencies regarding this matter. He was part of a chat room created in 2016 with Jung Joon-young to coordinate schedules while filming the “Hitmaker”program, but the chat room was disbanded after the show ended.

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