‘Make Mate’ Episode 1-2: Audience Selects Their ‘Most Favorite Members’ From Each Team — Who Stood Out?

If you missed out on watching “MAKE MATE”Episode 1 and 2, don’t worry! Keep reading to catch up on all the exciting highlights from the new show.

'Make Mate' Episode 1-2: Audience Selects Their 'Most Favorite Members' From Each Team — Who Stood Out?
(Photo : An Xin, Bing Fan, Han Gyeol (Instagram))

The premiere episode of “MAKE MATE 1″(MA1) was released on May 15 on KBS 2TV, where the 35 contestants were officially introduced.

During the live broadcast, the participants, also known as the “everyday boys,”won over the hearts of the viewers with their group performances. The boys were split into 8 teams at the start.

In order to assist the C-Mates (judges) in selecting the top team, special guests LOVELYZ Mijoo and Oh My Girl Hyojung were invited to perform covers of their senior boy groups’ iconic tracks alongside each assigned team. Additionally, Lee Gi Kwang joined as a special MC on stage.

During the “First Stage,”a total of 300 audience members were invited to select the top member and group, with the points they awarded being added to the scores given by the C-Mates at a later time.

After Episode 1, the following “Favorite Members”were chosen for each team:

‘Be Mine’ Team

Preferred Member: Noh Gi Hyeon

Despite facing harsh criticism during the preliminary review, the team effectively demonstrated their potential growth during their presentation.

‘Breathless’ Team

Preferred Member: Kim Si On

Despite the first group receiving negative feedback, the team was praised by the C-Mates for their strong vocals, impressive dance abilities, and high level of energy. However, during the main stage, Miraku’s mistake led to feelings of regret.

‘Growl’ Team

My favorite member is Jo Min Jae.

The group, also referred to as the “Ace Team,”successfully lived up to both fans’ and judges’ expectations as they delivered a strong and impressive first performance.

In the second episode of MA1, also known as ‘Make Mate 1’,

The broadcast of the “First Stage”continued on May 22, featuring the stage performances of the remaining five teams.

‘Fiction’ Team

Preferred Member: Lee Do Ha

Despite the pressure from C-Mates, the team became even more nervous upon learning that BEAST’s Lee Gi Kwang, the original singer of “Fiction”, would be appearing on the show.

‘Miss Right’ Team

Preferred Member: An Xin

Despite facing criticism for their lack of teamwork following a fight between members Kim Se Gon and Kim Sun Yub, they proved their growth on stage and won over the C-Mates.

‘Very Good’ Team

Preferred Member: Seo Yun Duk

Despite the contrasting charms of its members, the group delivered an electrifying performance on stage, exuding a similar playful and mischievous energy to that of BLOCK B.

‘Hello Future’ Team

One’s preferred member is Bing Fan.

At the in-person ceremony, the team impressed with their vocals and high energy while singing a challenging song, demonstrating clear improvement from their first performance.

Our Team

My favorite member is Choi Han Gyeol.

During the team selection segment, the “U”team was predicted to rank last. However, to everyone’s surprise, they defied expectations with their charming and synchronized performance. In fact, Hyojung even expressed confidence that they could become one of the top teams in the eyes of the audience.

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