Manor Lords: How to best manage resources

Despite the abundance of resources in Manor Lords, the key to building a successful region lies in effectively managing and utilizing them. To assist with this, here are some helpful tips for efficiently managing resources in Manor Lords.

Constructing your ideal city or town is a challenging task, but effectively managing its resources can prove to be even more difficult. Manor Lords introduces a range of resources, some of which are impacted by varying weather patterns, while others are at risk of being pilfered by bandits.

To ensure that you have access to all necessary resources throughout the year, it is essential to have the appropriate buildings at your disposal. With a comprehensive and practical resource management system, you can efficiently organize your inventory in various ways.

Goats in Manor Lords
Hooded Horse

All Resources in Manor Lords

In Manor Lords, there are a total of 10 types of resources available. Here is a comprehensive list of all of them:

  • Commodities
  • Construction
  • Crafting materials
  • Crops
  • Food
  • Fuel
  • Influence
  • Military
  • Regional Wealth
  • Treasury

Next, we will explore effective strategies for managing them.

Managing Resources in Manor Lords: Tips for Success

Move people around to keep work flowing

Don’t hesitate to relocate individuals from one area to another in order to prioritize essential construction projects in your region. Every region, regardless of which one you have been assigned, will have access to seasonal resources. For example, if your region is abundant in Berries that only grow during Spring (between March and May), then dedicating a few families during that time will adequately stock your Granaries and Storehouses with enough food for the entire year.

When there is sufficient food in storage, be sure to reassign workers to gather additional resources such as mining stones, hunting wildlife for meat, or staffing the Woodcutter’s Lodge to maintain a steady supply of Firewood.

Manor Lords village wide shot
Slavic Magic

Growing your population and keeping them happy is vital in Manor Lords

Upgrade Storehouses and Granaries to higher levels

In the beginning of the game, the Storehouse and Granary will only have 250 and 500 storage space, which is not ideal. Once you have enough Timber, it is recommended to use some of it to upgrade these buildings.

The storage capacity for both the Storehouse and Granary will see a significant increase of 2,500, providing you with ample space to store both food and non-food resources for an extended period of time.

Start Building a Strong Military to Keep Bandits at Bay

As you progress in Manor Lords, bandits can become a major annoyance as they frequently pilfer valuable resources such as berries and meat that your hardworking families have gathered. To protect your region, it is vital to allocate some of your profits from trading or selling excess food and resources towards building a military unit.

The bandits will be fought by a military unit to ensure the protection of your valuable resources from being stolen.

An image of Manor Lord gameplay
Slavic Magic

Create and Grow Trade Routes

Developing trade routes is crucial for increasing your Regional Wealth as well as learning how to construct and utilize the Sawpit, which is necessary for the advancement of your Manor. You can begin by utilizing excess food resources from your town’s storage to trade for other goods or to generate additional income.

Developing more trade routes can lead to improved connections with other regions, which is crucial for expanding your territories.

Burgage Plots and Markets: A Perfect Pairing

It is important to have Markets at the center of your city, surrounded by Burgage Plots, in order to properly meet supply and demand. This will guarantee a sufficient amount of goods and allow for faster upgrades.

According to the game, this results in a “cascading effect”where buildings situated on the outskirts will encounter more difficulty with upgrades compared to those located directly next to the Markets.

Manor Lords Sawpit still image
Slavic Magic

Start with smaller farms and upgrade later

As soon as your town reaches over 50% Approval and more families begin to move in, it is recommended to begin investing in building farms. It is advisable to start small, as a large farm will demand a significant amount of resources for plowing and harvesting crops.

Having multiple families working on one job will result in an unequal distribution of resources and neglect of other departments in your town, such as trade and construction.

Make an optimal road structure

A well-designed road network can greatly improve the efficiency of your Manor. While it is possible for them to travel off-road, interconnected roads will facilitate smoother trading and transactions within the city.

Mimicking the medieval era of humanity in Manor Lords requires careful attention to building the perfect road system. Keep in mind that time is of the essence, and a well-planned Manor is characterized by citizens who can efficiently receive and deliver goods and resources in the shortest amount of time.

Learn how to begin trading and obtain Influence to claim and settle new regions, as well as how to boost your population and approval rating. Additionally, discover how to construct and utilize a Sawpit.

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