Manor Lords: How to increase your Population and Approval rating

In Manor Lords, population and approval rating play crucial roles in creating the ideal city. To successfully increase approval and attract more families to your village, follow these steps.

In Manor Lords, constructing the ideal city is not the sole objective of the game. It is equally crucial to populate your village in order to ensure its success, in addition to designing an impeccable layout and establishing efficient trade routes.

Although materials like wood are crucial for the development of your village, perhaps the most essential resource is the people. After all, it is your villagers who can gather other resources and embark on trade missions.

Now that we’ve established that, here are the most efficient methods to increase your population and improve your village’s approval rating in Manor Lords.

Tips for increasing your population in Manor Lords

Manor Lords village wide shot
Slavic Magic

Growing your population and keeping them happy is vital in Manor Lords

First and foremost, it is crucial for players to have sufficient housing in their village to accommodate incoming residents. Having a place to call home is a vital factor in attracting new families.

To ensure that new families can move in, players must construct adequate housing. This can be achieved by building as many burgage plots as possible, which will attract more families to the village.

As there is an increase in the amount of free housing, the likelihood of residents relocating to your village also increases. It is essential to keep in mind that as expansion occurs, it becomes more challenging to maintain efficient resource management and guarantee a steady supply of food and other essential items for incoming residents.

Improve Your Approval Rating to Attract More Residents

If you discover that you have available housing but no one is interested in moving in, it is probably because your village has a low Approval rating. The Approval rating of a village can fluctuate depending on the treatment of its inhabitants by the player and the standard of living they have in the village.

If your approval rating in Manor Lords is above 50%, a new family will be added every month, provided there is enough space. The greater your approval rating, the more families will be interested in moving in.

To enhance your approval rating in Manor Lords, follow these quick and effective steps that must be completed.

  • Ensure standard facilities and resources such as wells and water are accessible to villagers
  • Keep taxes to a reasonable amount. If you choose to tax your citizens too much, your approval rating will go down dramatically
  • Upgrade buildings such as your church to encourage families to migrate over
  • Construct market stalls in order to facilitate the trading of resources, such as food, clothing, and other goods, for villages.

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