Marques Brownlee Addresses Criticism Following Launch of Panels Wallpaper App

Tech YouTuber Marques ‘MKBHD’ Brownlee has addressed the criticism he faced following the launch of his wallpaper application, Panels.

On September 23, Brownlee introduced Panels, a new app designed for mobile wallpapers.

Panels is an ad-supported application that provides users with access to hundreds of free wallpapers upon installation, though it is limited to a standard resolution—typically 1080p—and requires viewing two ads before allowing a download.

Brownlee expressed his excitement stating, “I’m so pumped to be launching this app! People have asked where I get wallpapers FOREVER, so this is the answer, now and forever: PANELS!”

For users interested in accessing the app’s premium collections, each can be purchased individually for approximately $8, or users can subscribe to Panels+ which is currently being offered at a 65% discount, bringing the yearly subscription cost down to $49.99.

However, critics have voiced their opinions regarding the app’s pricing, labeling the tech YouTuber as a ‘grifter’.

“I’ll be honest, I just lost a bit of respect for Marques,” one user remarked, highlighting several features of the app such as its “location tracking” and the yearly $50 subscription. “I’m sorry but making people pay or watch ads to download ‘Orange’ is absurd.”

“Forgive me MKBHD I was unfamiliar with your grift,” another user commented.

Another user lamented: “Hard to understand someone spending all these years building up the best reputation in tech, and then suddenly blowing it all by releasing this ad-spamming, location-tracking, $11.99 a MONTH wallpaper trash. What on earth?!”

MKBHD Addresses Criticism Over Panels App

Following the backlash, MKBHD took to social media on September 24 to respond and indicated that the team is actively working on addressing the various issues highlighted in the feedback.

“Part of building in public is getting mass feedback immediately, which is pretty dope. Almost exactly like publishing a YouTube video. First thing we’re doing is fixing the excessive data disclosures, as people rightfully brought up,” he stated.

“For transparency, we’d never actually ask for your location, internet history, etc. The data disclosures (that everyone is screenshotting) is likely too broad, and largely driven by what the ad networks suggest. Working to fix that ASAP.

“As far as pricing, I hear you! It’s our own personal challenge to deliver that kind of value for the premium version. (Weekly Friday drops are already starting) I’ll also be dialing back the ad frequency for the free experience.”

Some users noted that the Panels X Twitter account was created in 2021 and speculated whether this new app was rebranding of an older wallpaper application. Brownlee refuted these claims, clarifying that they simply utilized a “salvaged username” from an inactive account.

“What’s funny is I saw exactly how that rumor came up, and it’s just false. The Twitter account is from 2021 because it’s a salvaged username from an inactive account. The app was built from scratch,” he clarified.

With nearly 20 million subscribers on YouTube, MKBHD stands as one of the most prominent and respected figures in the tech industry.

He isn’t the only YouTuber to encounter backlash after releasing a product in September; Logan Paul, KSI, and MrBeast recently collaborated to launch a Lunchables competitor named Lunchly, which faced criticism from other creators and fans globally for being unhealthy.


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