Marvel Rivals Magneto: A Comprehensive Guide to Abilities, Ultimate, Tips, and More

Marvel Rival’s Closed Beta has recently launched, boasting a diverse roster of characters including Magneto.

In terms of team compositions, the role of Vanguard is crucial as they are responsible for establishing the team’s rhythm and managing the area of play.

When discussing powerful Vanguards, Magneto is among the most resilient. He is an exceptional character who can execute his own strategies while also providing great support for your team.

Magneto’s Weapons in Marvel Rivals


The name of this activity is Iron Volley.

  • Fire a volley of magnetic orbs forward

The Mag-Cannon is a powerful weapon.

  • Convert the iron rings on Magneto’s back into a Mag-Cannon and launch a metallic mass forward. Higher stacks of rings increase damage, and full stacks knock back enemies

Magneto’s Abilities in Marvel Rivals

While being a bullet sponge may not be the ideal trait for every Vanguard, it is definitely one of Magneto’s specialties. By effectively managing your cooldowns, you will have sufficient shields to withstand any incoming damage.


The process of Magnetic Descent remains unchanged.

  • Hold [space] to fall slowly


The Metallic Curtain is unchanged.

  • Change the magnetic field around to form a metallic curtain, blocking all flying projectiles

The Metal Bulwark is still in place.

  • Conjure a metal shield around a chosen ally. Damage taken will transform into rings on Magneto’s back

The term “Iron Bulwark”refers to a strong and sturdy defense.

  • Conjure an iron shield around himself. Damage taken will transform into rings on Magneto’s back


Meteor M

  • Alter the magnetic field, drawing in all projectiles and materials to forge a massive iron meteor. Throw it to unleash devastating damage upon the impact area
Marvel Rivals Magneto using his ult

Magneto will fly into the sky when using Meteor M

Tips for Playing Magneto in Marvel Rivals

In order to effectively play as Magneto, it is important to have some level of durability. This is because your Bulwarks assist in building up iron rings, which are crucial for using your secondary fire. It is recommended to place your Bulwarks on teammates who are actively engaging in combat.

Moreover, while Metallic Curtain may not have a long duration, it still provides enough coverage for you and your team to secure an area. As there is no limit to its shield health, you can confidently approach it without worrying about it breaking.

As long as you have iron rings, you can continuously use Mag-Cannon without any cooldown. Therefore, it is advisable to take advantage of its full charge and use it frequently. This skill is particularly useful for pushing back enemies and quickly defeating them.

His ultimate, Meteor M, serves as a highly effective engagement tool, dealing significant damage in an instant and providing a strong advantage in team fights. By utilizing its slow descent, be sure to strategically position yourself for success after activating your ultimate.

It is important to remember that Magneto is most effective in close to medium range combat, so it is unlikely that he will be able to perform well in long-range battles.

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