Marvel vs Capcom collection: MvC fans rejoice after years of waiting

Capcom has gifted fans of its popular MvC crossover fighting game franchise with a fresh arcade collection, raising hopes for a potential revival of the series through a new installment.

At the June 18 Nintendo Direct event, Capcom made an exciting announcement for fans of fighting games. They revealed that a collection of their beloved Marvel vs Capcom arcade games will be released on the Switch, PlayStation, and Steam in 2024.

The collection consists of all the Marvel x Capcom crossover games released before MvC3, including popular titles such as X-Men Children of the Atom, X-Men vs Street Fighter, and even The Punisher beat-em-up.

Boasting crisp graphics, rollback netcode, and user-friendly elements for new players, this compilation fulfills the desires of diehard MvC fans who have been waiting since the downfall of MvC Infinite… and it instills optimism for a future installment in the franchise.

Fans have also noticed that Capcom appears to have revived its previous social media accounts for the Marvel vs Capcom series, with its first tweet to X since 2018 being posted on the same day as the Nintendo Direct. This has contributed to players’ optimism about the potential revival of the franchise.

In addition, they revived the official MvC YouTube channel and released a trailer for the collection on the same day, intensifying the excitement and bringing players’ wildest dreams within reach.

One of the most prominent voices for the Marvel vs Capcom series is Twitch influencer Maximillian Dood, who was overflowing with excitement when the trailer was released on the morning of June 18th.

In a tweet, he expressed, “Today, the tears came just at the sight of this image. I am grateful to everyone for making this a reality.”

Upon the live announcement, one player was so surprised by the unexpected news that they even spit out their coffee on-stream.

The community is uniting to demonstrate to both Capcom and Disney the strong desire for a new game, as the future of the series was uncertain following the release of Marvel vs Capcom Infinite.

One player took to Twitter/X and exclaimed, “We MUST ATTEND this game!”Let’s demonstrate our passion for these games and prove that we are PREPARED for another one!

“Which timeline is this?”another questioned, clicking on the link provided. “I never want to leave this place,”they added with enthusiasm.

It remains uncertain whether Capcom and Disney have any plans for future titles. However, with the announcement of a crossover between Street Fighter 6 and Fatal Fury characters, as well as an upcoming feature film, it seems that Capcom is dedicated to creating what is known in the industry as “really cool stuff.”

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