Marver Rivals Players Criticize Overwatch 2’s Embarrassing Cosmetics

The closed beta for Marvel Rivals has recently started, but players who have already joined the new hero shooter are already criticizing Overwatch 2’s cosmetic options when comparing the two games.

The beta version of NetEase’s highly anticipated Marvel Rivals has been released, giving lucky players the opportunity to experience the new hero shooter.

Marvel Rivals, as its name suggests, showcases beloved characters from the MCU and beyond engaging in a 6v6 hero shooter experience, similar to other games in the genre that have come before it.

Despite being a free-to-play game, Marvel Rivals offers a range of cosmetics, including skins, that have caught the attention of players. Some of these players have even taken to comparing the game to Overwatch 2 and criticizing Blizzard’s title in the process.

Players of Marvel Rivals have been focusing on highlight intros and drawing comparisons between them and those in Blizzard’s Overwatch 2. For those who are unfamiliar, a highlight intro in Overwatch 2 or MVP in Marvel Rivals refers to a brief animation that is shown before a highlight clip plays at the conclusion of a match.

This animation frequently showcases the character that was being portrayed at the moment, as well as including smaller details about their actions and personality traits.

Twitter user jayjaybeastie put together a few of these to compare with each other, which quickly became a viral sensation on social media due to their striking differences.

“Blizzard was called out and this is truly embarrassing,”they stated on social media.

Tracer Highlight Intro in overwatch

Overwatch 2’s highlight intros have come under scrutiny thanks to the beta release of Marvel Rivals.

Many others quickly shared their own opinions, expressing frustration over what seemed to be a decline in Blizzard’s quality.

“Despite their successful highlight intros from the Transformers collaboration, it is perplexing that they choose not to continue producing such content,”one user debated. Another user responded, “The Mei intro may be comically bad, but it’s still disappointing compared to their previous work.”

At the same time, others supported Overwatch by pointing out that the user was selectively choosing negative highlight intros.

“This comparison is not entirely fair as these particular highlight intros are more subdued compared to others. Many characters have fantastic highlight intros,”they retorted.

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