Massive Rell Jungle and Support adjustments hit League of Legends PBE patch 13.13 cycle

Massive Rell adjustments have made their way to the League of Legends PBE patch 13.13 cycle. Riot Games are looking to buff her capabilities as a Jungler while nerfing her in the Support role. Among the biggest highlights of the patch are the quality-of-life improvements to the champion’s Q ability. They will make it significantly easier for her to clear out monster camps in the game.

As for her position in the Support role, Rell’s W will be nerfed. While the shield value reduction feels significant on paper, it will not have that big of an impact as the ability scales with her max health in League of Legends.

When talking about the Rell changes for League of Legends patch 13.13, Riot Games stated:

“We all knew it was coming. Rell Support has been dominating even through the last round of nerfs. We’re targeting her durability here as we think her overall pattern is in a healthy place.

“Meanwhile, the updates to Rell’s monster mods hit a bit too hard, so we’re upping her mods on Q and E, making Q the clear best first max for Jungle Rell (Which was already true but many Rell’s weren’t running it), and flattening out the AS buff from her dismounted form, so it’s not something junglers are wondering if they should max.”

All Rell League of Legends PBE 13.13 updates

Before moving onto the list of changes that Riot Games has proposed for Rell, it’s important to keep in mind that the tweaks are tentative and may not make it to the official League of Legends patch 13.13 next week. The developers will test them out in the PBE before shipping them with the final update.

1) Rell base stats

Base stats are something that Riot has a lot of data on. Nothing is guaranteed when it comes to balance, but with these changes, the developer can have reasonable confidence in their impact.

  • Health Regen: 17 >>> 15 (85/55 >>> 7 5/55)
  • Magic Resist: 32 >> 30
  • Magic Resist Per Level: 2.05 >> 1.85

2) Rell Q changes

Q has been the most successful first max in the jungle. However, not all Rell jungle mains have been doing it. Riot wants to make Q max a more clear best option.

  • Bonus Monster Damage: 150/220/290/360/430 >> 170/245/320/395/470 (+20/25/30/35/40 from live)

3) Rell W changes

For support, Riot will be hitting Rell’s shield. This nerf is meaningful but not quite as bad as it looks, as she gets most of her shield value from her health ratio. For jungle, it can be hard to tell whether maxing W for the dismounted AS or Q or E for the damage is best, so the developer is making that easier by flattening out the AS increase she gets from W.

  • Dismount Shield: 35/60/85/110/135 + 12% HP >> 15/40/65/90/110 + 12% HP
  • Dismount Attack Speed: 15/20/25/30/35% >> Flat 30%

4) Rell E changes

A bit more bonus damage on her E

  • 100/145/190/235/280 >> 120/165/210/255/300 (+20/20/20/20/20)

League of Legends patch 13.13 is expected to go live next week and will arrive on June 28, 2023.

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