Master of The House: Roongroj’s Death

‘Master of the House,’ a Thai drama show, presents an intriguing puzzle centered around a privileged affluent family, their opulent residence, and a mistreated group of domestic workers.

Despite the disapproval of his sons, Phupat and Mavin, Roongroj Thevasatitpaisarn, a wealthy diamond mogul, goes against societal expectations by marrying his maid, Kaimook. However, shortly after their marriage, Roongroj dies under mysterious circumstances.

Ultimately, his passing ignites an intense battle between his heirs for control of the fortune, leaving Kaimook and the other servants caught in the middle.

1. Who killed Roongroj?

As stated earlier, Master of the House revolves around the murder of Roongroj, an incredibly wealthy diamond magnate whose two sons, Phupat and Mavin, are psychopaths set to inherit a vast fortune.

Unsurprisingly, the brothers are the main individuals under suspicion. Yet, the story is narrated through the eyes of Kaimook, a maid who recently wed Roongroj before his untimely death. It is later revealed that she is the one responsible for his murder.

In collaboration with the other mistreated workers, Kaimook has naturally conspired to falsely accuse Phupet of murdering his father and brother. She has successfully carried out all the required actions.

She possesses video evidence of Roongroj transferring his assets to her, which could incriminate Phupat for all his actions.

Master of The House Ending Explained
Master of The House | Source: IMDb

Why Did Kamook Want Revenge?

Kaimook’s drive is uncomplicated: she, along with the other maids, especially an elderly lady named Dao, suffered severe mistreatment from Roongroj and his family.

The degrading routines started when she first arrived for the job interview and continued to escalate. Roongroj, who was a twisted individual, thought that his money and influence allowed him to treat people, especially women, as objects that he owned.

Kaimook, skilled in her profession and interested in the butterflies the patriarch raised, almost followed in Dao’s footsteps by attempting suicide after catching the patriarch’s attention through her talents.

Kaimook’s initial strategy involved persuading Roongroj to marry her. With both of his sons vying for his wealth, Kaimook convinced Roongroj that she could provide him with an easily controlled heir who would not turn against him in the future.

The irony lies in the fact that Phupat and Mavin’s behavior was a direct result of Roongroj’s constant pitting of them against each other throughout their entire lives.

Did Mavin Change His Father’s Will? What Was Roongroj’s Original Will?

After Mavin’s passing, Phupat gains control of the family business and reaches out to his father’s lawyer to review the will. This leads to the revelation of the truth about Mavin, confirming his brother’s suspicions.

Despite Phupat’s disdain towards his father, Mavin aspired to become his successor and continue his legacy, using it as a twisted means to prove his worth.

Mavin used incriminating information about the attorney’s daughter to manipulate him into changing his father’s will in his favor. As a result, Phupat was only given ownership of a golf course, while Mavin and his wife received equal shares of the company.

Nevertheless, this revelation poses a new inquiry: who did Roongroj truly bequeath his company to? To provide an answer, the lawyer presents Phupat with the authentic will, in which the head of the family left all of his assets to Kaimook and any potential descendants she may have.

Even more peculiar, the attorney possesses a video of Roongroj’s signature on the will, with his former maid who is now his wife standing by his side.

Master of The House Ending Explained
Master of The House | Source: imdB

4. Reasons for Phupat’s Murder of Mavin

Despite his strained relationship with Mavin, Phupat’s actions during the celebration were questionable. He aided his brother in trying to impress Carlos and reach a compromise, even though he no longer had a stake in Theva Gems. Additionally, his worry about Mavin’s intoxicated state before the fireworks was unusual since the two brothers typically have a contentious relationship.

Therefore, it is not unexpected that the boat explodes, with only Phupat and Joke remaining unharmed.

5. What do the Butterflies Represent?

Roongroj’s fascination with butterflies serves as a powerful symbol of his desire to possess and manipulate anything he considers beautiful. This showcases the restriction of freedom and agency, as well as the reduction of one’s character to mere external attractiveness.

The liberty of domestic workers inherently aligns with the liberty of butterflies. This is not a complex concept.

6. Was it a Happy Ending?

Despite the deaths of Roongroj, Phupat, and Mavin, Kaimook’s wish is fulfilled. In a symbolic act, the servants claim ownership of the house, which is now without a master and allows them to live according to their own desires. This ultimately leads to a satisfying ending for Master of the House.

While it may appear to be a happy ending at first glance, the question remains: is it truly one? Similarly, Animal Farm began as a seemingly perfect society, yet it eventually succumbed to hierarchies and prejudices. The idea of a flawless world where all are equal is difficult to achieve and it is likely that hierarchies and biases will ultimately resurface. No amount of replacing family portraits can change this inevitable truth.

Unfortunately, it appears to be inherent in human nature to divide ourselves into those who have and those who do not, creating a hierarchy of the powerful and powerless. Our ability to inflict harm seems to be limited only by our ability to evade consequences.

There is a possibility that the servants will eventually succumb to the same corruption they once despised and establish the very system they overthrew. However, with some fortune, we will not have to endure another season of it.

7. About Master of The House

The intriguing Thai drama, ‘Master of the House,’ revolves around a mysterious situation surrounding a wealthy family, their lavish residence, and a mistreated group of servants.

Despite the disapproval of his sons, Phupat and Mavin, Roongroj Thevasatitpaisarn, a wealthy diamond mogul, marries his maid, Kaimook. However, shortly thereafter, he passes away under mysterious circumstances.

This leads to a fierce battle between his heirs for the inheritance after his death, with Kaimook and the rest of the servants caught in the middle.

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