Mastering Kessel Sabacc: A Comprehensive Guide to the Star Wars Outlaws Card Game

In Star Wars Outlaws, players can enjoy various mini-games to earn extra credits and rewards. One standout is Sabacc, a legendary card game that fans of the Star Wars franchise recognize. In the game, it’s referred to as Kessel Sabacc. If you’re looking for strategies to master it, you’re in the right place!

Kessel Sabacc Basics

Kessel Sabacc may appear daunting initially, but the objective is straightforward: be the last player with chips. Skill and knowledge are essential to excel, though a bit of cleverness in the game can give you an advantage.

Kessel Sabacc Table
Kessel Sabacc Table | Source: In-game footage

You can find several tables at different locations throughout Star Wars Outlaws to play Kessel Sabacc, each offering varying buy-ins and rewards. The first game takes place in Mirogana City.

How to play Kessel Sabacc?

Before starting the game, you must choose three Shift Tokens. These legal “cheats”can be obtained by purchase, exploration, quests, or through gameplay.

When the game commences, your goal is to form a pair of two cards with the lowest value. The value is determined by subtracting the values of the two cards; for instance, if you draw a 5 and a 3, your hand value is 2.

Turn 1 of 3 -- Round 1
Turn 1 of 3 — Round 1 | Source: In-game footage

A hand value of 0, known as “Sabacc,”occurs when you have two matching cards. The hands are then compared, where 6 is the weakest and 1 is the strongest.

How to make a hand in Kessel Sabacc?

Each player is dealt two cards from separate decks, with the chip amount depending on the table. More chips mean a longer game.

During each round, you have three turns to create a Sabacc hand by utilizing your Tokens. On your turn, you will choose from four piles—orange, red, and two discard piles. You can spend your token to draw a card from any pile and discard one from your hand.

Draw a card
Draw a card | Source: In-game footage

Passing is also an option if you’re satisfied with your hand.

Special Cards

The game features two special cards: Sylop and Imposter.

The Sylop acts like a Joker, allowing it to pair with any card to create a Sabacc. Note that there is only one Sylop card in the two main decks, making it rare. Two Sylops result in a Pure Sabacc, arguably the highest hand in Kessel Sabacc.

The Imposter card enables players to roll two dice to form a hand. If you hold a 4 and an Imposter, you may roll the dice in hopes of achieving a 4, potentially resulting in Sabacc.

End of a round in Kessel Sabacc

At the end of every round, players reveal their hands. The player with the lowest hand wins all their chips back, while others are taxed. Should you lose with a Sabacc hand, you only lose one chip, whereas others lose all chips used that round.

Tips to become a pro at Kessel Sabacc

Analyze others’ Shift Tokens

Pay attention to the Shift Tokens used by other players. Understanding their strategies can help you adjust your approach in the game.

Retain Chips

Your primary aim is to retain chips. Utilize the Refund Shift Token wisely; it refunds two spent chips immediately. If your chips are running low, this can be a lifesaver.

In scenarios with fewer chips at stake, consider using Shift Tokens to eliminate players or preserve your chips. Patience is key, so manage your shifts thoughtfully.


You may choose to play legitimately or take advantage of the situation. Your furry friend, Nix, can help reveal opponents’ hands. Knowing what others have will enable you to eliminate them strategically.

Successful cheating involves completing a Quick Time Event (QTE). The first failure may raise suspicions; repeated failures could result in being banned from that table.

Read your opponents

Observe your opponents for tells, whether it’s a smirk or a subtle nod, which can indicate the strength of their hand. If a player is visibly upset, they likely don’t have a strong hand, while a calm opponent may be holding a powerful pair.

That wraps up everything you need to understand about Kessel Sabacc. May luck be on your side!

About Star Wars Outlaws

Star Wars Outlaws is an upcoming action-adventure game from Massive Entertainment, published by Ubisoft in collaboration with Lucasfilm Games. Set in the Star Wars universe, the game takes place between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.

This single-player, third-person action-adventure title will offer an open world through which players can engage in stealth, open combat, vehicle operations, space encounters, and branching dialogue options.

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