Mastering the Art of Defeating Imurah in Warhammer 40K Space Marine 2

In Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2, Imurah is a surprisingly large boss. Your first battle with Imurah in the campaign will be the most difficult one yet, as there are multiple hazardous mechanics and the fight consists of several phases with increasingly perilous attacks.

Strategies for Defeating Imurah in Warhammer 40K Space Marine 2

Screenshot by Prima Games

During the battle, Imurah unleashes various attacks and goes through different phases. We will discuss each of these attacks and phases in the correct order.

At the beginning of the battle, Imurah unleashes a perilous attack in which he summons a barrage of projectiles that rain down on the entire party. To avoid getting hit, seek shelter behind the nearest pillar.

Since the projectiles or bolts will originate from Imurah, it is necessary to take cover behind the pillar that is facing away from Imurah. Imurah also has a secondary phase where he will move to the center of the arena and unleash a powerful blast that covers the entire stage. Once again, seek shelter behind one of the pillars to avoid being hit by the blast.

Screenshot by Prima Games
Screenshot by Prima Games

During the upcoming stage, Imurah will hover in the center and launch laser projectiles at random targets. Before each attack, you will notice blue and red circles, allowing you to avoid them. However, Imurah will also summon an army to attack you. The most effective approach is to focus on defeating the enemies while remaining alert for Imurah’s surprise attacks. Utilize your strongest attacks against the smaller enemies to avoid taking damage and replenish your armor.

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In the final stage, Imurah equips his scythe and begins pursuing an individual. If you are playing solo, Imurah will disregard the other two Space Marines, Gadriel and Chairon. He will execute rapid melee strikes, alternating between normal and heavy attacks. You will continuously be notified with both blue and red indicators. Given the swift alternation of this attack sequence, it is advisable to continuously dodge and not attempt to parry or block the blue notifications (normal attacks).

Imurah’s death grip is still a significant threat even when playing alone. It is an attack that paralyzes and gradually inflicts damage, leaving you with little control. Your only option is to rely on your team members to land some hits on Imurah. This final stage will continue to revolve around these attacks until Imurah is defeated.

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