Mastering the Toughest Battle in Baldur’s Gate 3 with a Simple Low-Level Spell

In Baldur’s Gate 3, you are tasked with the challenging mission of protecting Halsin’s portal from an oncoming enemy army. This objective can be achieved by utilizing one of the least powerful spells in the game.

In Act II, those who are on the lookout for Halsin, the attractive bear, can join him in his questline. This journey concludes with a highly challenging battle, where your task is to defend the portal that he is summoning from shadow creatures using long-range weapons. If the portal is destroyed or if an enemy manages to reach it, the battle is lost.

In Baldur’s Gate 3, the majority of battles consist of two opposing sides fighting each other. However, the player faces a significant challenge when they have to defend the portal, as the enemy can attack it from a distance with their bows. This requires the player to balance both offensive and defensive tactics.

Fortunately, there are spells that can aid in making the battle more manageable. A member of the Baldur’s Gate 3 community on Reddit has demonstrated the effectiveness of the Grease spell in simplifying the fight, as evidenced by a screenshot of the enemies being knocked down.

PSA: Use Grease byu/Ok_Specialist_3315 inBaldursGate3

The Grease spell creates an area of effect that causes a slippery surface. If an enemy enters or ends their turn on this surface, they must immediately make a saving throw. If they fail, they will be knocked prone and their turn will end. This spell is particularly advantageous in a battle where enemies must come closer to reach the portal, and it remains useful throughout the entire game.

“After my party was nearly wiped out by Goblins outside the Grove during our first encounter, one of my fellow players remarked, “I am determined to use that bottle of grease to obliterate those Gobbos and their Bosses.”

One user commented, “Grease and Create Water don’t get enough credit.”Another suggested, “Remember to combine grease and a fire spell against enemies without fire resistance.”

Using grease in this fight is highly recommended, as it is readily available for purchase on scrolls and requires no additional resources. However, large area of effect damage spells such as Fireball and Wall of Fire can also be useful, although they may be less accessible during Act II.

Compared to D&D, the battle system in Baldur’s Gate 3 is significantly more tactical, requiring players to consider elements such as verticality in their strategies. This allows often overlooked spells, like Grease, to truly showcase their usefulness, making it important for players to not disregard them as they gain access to more powerful magical abilities.

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