Masters of the Air ending explained

Similarly to Band of Brothers, Masters of the Air also has an intensely emotional ending for the soldiers of the 100th. Here is a breakdown of the events that take place.

Despite being a nine-episode series, Masters of the Air effectively portrays the Bloody Hundredth’s namesake with raw and emotional intensity. It chronicles the group’s journey from their arrival in the UK to their perilous missions over enemy territory, capturing the brutality and trauma they faced along the way.

As the final episodes unfolded, the balance of power at Thorpe Abbotts was disrupted. Buck and Bucky were taken as prisoners of war by the Nazis, but Rosie and Crosby rose through the ranks of the 100th and played crucial roles in the D-Day invasion of western Europe.

Before the finale, there was a major question looming: would Buck and Bucky make it through to witness the war’s conclusion? Fortunately, we now have the answer and more – a thorough breakdown of the finale of Masters of the Air.

How does the television series Masters of the Air end?

Buck in Masters of the Air Episode 9
Apple TV+

The conclusion of Masters of the Air sees Buck successfully escaping during a march between POW camps. Along with the other prisoners, he is liberated by American forces and they are reunited at Thorpe Abbotts before flying back home with Rosie and Crosby.

The climax commences with Rosie’s plane being shot down over Berlin. He crash lands in no man’s land and is subsequently rescued by Russian forces who happen to be carrying out executions of German soldiers near the Oder River. They then escort him to the nearest airport, making a stop near a concentration camp. Here, Rosie witnesses the horrifying sight of countless corpses, reminiscent of the camp discovery in Band of Brothers.

After finally arriving home, Crosby shares with him that his wife is expecting a child. However, he expresses concern about the effects of war on his character. He quotes Nietzsche, who once said, “Whoever fights monsters, should be careful not to become one themselves, for when you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you.”Rosie reassures him that they are there to combat the monsters and acknowledges that their actions may have been difficult, but it was necessary. She firmly believes that these individuals deserve retribution.

At the same time, Buck, Bucky, and their fellow prisoners at Stalag Luft III are subjected to grueling night marches to various camps, including Nuremberg. During one of these marches, Buck attempts to escape with two other men, but Bucky is apprehended before he can join them. The Germans spare Bucky’s life, knowing that the Americans could retaliate with lethal force.

Despite the nearby woods, Buck manages to reach safety, although one of the men falls victim to a Hitler Youth member who is armed only with a bayonet and an unloaded handgun. Despite the urge to seek revenge for his friend’s death, Buck chooses to let the boys flee. Eventually, they reach a town in the Bavarian countryside and encounter American soldiers.

Buck and Bucky in Masters of the Air Episode 9
Apple TV+

Shortly after, Buck returns to England and begins participating in “mercy missions”to the Netherlands, where he drops large amounts of food to help the starving Dutch population. This is done as part of a ceasefire agreement with the Germans.

As soon as Bucky arrived at Stalag VIII in Moosburg, a P-51 flew over and opened fire on the camp, signaling the arrival of tanks and American troops to free the prisoners. Bucky managed to find a US flag and proudly raised it over the camp, symbolically reclaiming it from the Nazis.

Afterward, we witness Buck returning to base and receiving his landing instructions from a familiar voice. “You understood me the first damn time, Gale,”Buck informs him before they meet again on the ground.

“We had made several supply drops in the final days of the war. Then, suddenly, it was all over,”Crosby recalls as we hear Winston Churchill’s announcement of Germany’s surrender. If there’s a better reason to celebrate, we would be curious to know.”

Despite the lively atmosphere at Thorpe Abbotts where everyone was drinking, dancing, and shooting flares with abandon, Buck and Bucky opted for a quiet drink together. They had promised to stick together until the end, and they fulfilled their vow. Crosby reflects on their impending departure, saying “At first, it seemed unreal and impossible to imagine. But then, it became inevitable. We were all going home. I had a wife to reunite with, a son to see, and a new life to begin.”As the men prepare their planes for their last flight, Crosby’s words echo in their minds.

As everyone boarded the flight home, Buck and Bucky found seats next to each other. Crosby’s voiceover echoed in everyone’s minds, reminding them of the importance of self-reflection and self-awareness. As the plane took off and they waved goodbye to their loved ones, Crosby couldn’t help but wish that more people would take the time to do the same.

After the events of Masters of the Air, we discover the fates of all the characters as the credits roll. Episodes 1-9 are currently available for streaming on Apple TV+.

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