Meet Howie the Crab: TikTok’s Viral Pet with Impressive Sign Language Skills

Howie the crab has amassed millions of TikTok views and continues to impress her fans with her impressive abilities.

Being cute has its advantages, such as gaining popularity on TikTok, one of the biggest platforms on the internet.

Despite being non-verbal and tiny enough to fit in her owner’s palm, Howie the crab has gained almost 900K followers on TikTok and accumulated millions of views due to her undeniable “cuteness.”

Laura Porter, the owner of Howie, has been looking after her cherished crab since at least 2016 and started sharing TikToks featuring her pet in the past few years.

Ever since they first started posting, Laura and “the most loved crab on earth” have amassed millions of views across multiple videos.

One of her most popular posts, with over 23 million views, featured Laura demonstrating how she put Howie on a leash.

@howiethecrab I have never made public the exact method I use to put Howie’s leash on for fear of backlash. I used to use a soft aquarium net to lift her, but now that she’s so old, using tongs ensures she doesn’t slip or drop. She isn’t as agile as she once was, and since her last molt, I have switched to picking her up with tongs for her safety. Once the leash is on, she is much easier to pick up and handle because I have the support of the leash to prevent dropping her. Crustaceans can die if their shell cracks. This may look bad, but I assure you it has been safe and effective. She even reaches up and readies herself to be picked up! Howie doesn’t mind one bit, and she loves getting to be out of her tank ❤️#howiethecrab #crableash #petcrab ♬ Fairy Dust – Abaco Music Library

First, she used tongs to carefully remove her pet crab from its tank, ensuring its shell would not crack. Then, she transferred the crab to a large tub, where she secured Howie with a rainbow leash.

As they walked, Howie proudly donned a tiny crown, perfect for a grumpy monarch!

Laura’s “cranky Howie”video went viral, amassing over 3M views. The footage captured Howie in his tank, jolting towards Laura in a manner reminiscent of a toddler stomping their feet as she approached.

@howiethecrab Howie has been very moody. I have been leaving her alone except to feed her, check her, and clean her tank. We are still waiting on her molt. It’s obvious that she’s uncomfortable in her tight shell. Hopefully she will try to molt again. Howie is very old and having trouble molting. #howiethecrab #moltwatch2024 ♬ original sound – Laura Porter (Howie’s Mom)

In the video’s caption, Laura clarified that her pet crab was preparing to “molt.”Molting is the process in which crabs shed their outer layer in order to accommodate further growth.

In a remarkable TikTok video, Howie demonstrated her knowledge of sign language. Wearing various knitted hats, she could be seen tapping her mouth with her claws in a compilation posted by Laura, indicating her desire for food.

@howiethecrab Howie’s sign language compilation. We’re still working on the sign for “more.”You can see in the first clip she combined the signs for “more and food.”We’re getting there! I do not withhold food for training. I use the sign for food every time I feed her, and she’s learned its meaning and usage on her own. Crabs are more intelligent than people know. If you choose to eat them, please do not boil them alive. They have sensation in all parts of their shell and can feel pain and fear. #howiethecrab #petcrab #signlanguage #animalintelligence ♬ Music In Your Heart (Instrumental) – BLVKSHP

Many admirers of Howie have praised her numerous positive attributes, with a consensus that she is not only intelligent but also charming.

Despite not expecting to, one fan still found Howie to be “mind-blowing,”while another admitted to falling in love with her.

Despite being an older crab, Howie was still described by Laura as “agile”and “intelligent.”It is hoped that their companionship will continue to bring joy and good health.

Although Howie is undeniably adorable, Dobby the labradoodle also gained viral attention on TikTok after his owner revealed his ability to understand Harry Potter spells.

In one of the popular videos featuring Dobby, his owner can be seen calling out spells from the Harry Potter series, to which the dog responds by obeying the command. Among the spells used were “stupefy,”which translates to “down,”and “azkaban,”which instructs the dog to go into its crate.

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