Memoriapolis Satisfaction Metrics: Comprehensive Guide to Boosting Your Stats

Memoriapolis Satisfaction Metrics: Comprehensive Guide to Boosting Your Stats

Creating a successful metropolis and ensuring the contentment of your population in Memoriapolis can be quite challenging. Your citizens form the foundation of your city, contributing to the development of a lasting civilization. To effectively manage this extensive task, actively tracking and improving their overall well-being through the five essential stats is critical. This guide will explore the various Satisfaction stats and offer strategies to enhance them within Memoriapolis.

Overview of Satisfaction Stats in Memoriapolis

Overview of Satisfaction Stats in Memoriapolis
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Stat Description
Health This stat indicates the nutritional state of your citizens. A higher Health level translates to quicker production rates, thereby benefiting your city’s economy.
Safety Maintaining a high Safety stat mitigates the likelihood of workplace accidents, including fires, and reduces issues such as faction disputes, outbreaks, crimes, and thefts throughout your city.
Belonging The Belonging stat measures trust levels among various factions. A robust Belonging score lessens trust erosion over time, fostering harmony within your community.
Esteem Esteem affects two significant elements: the duration of decrees and the speed of production. Enhanced satisfaction regarding Esteem leads to longer-lasting decrees and increased production efficiency.
Creativity This stat pertains to the generation of Blueprints.
Satisfaction Stats Overview in Memoriapolis

Strategies to Enhance Satisfaction Stats in Memoriapolis

Enhancing Satisfaction Stats in Memoriapolis
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The fluctuations in stats within Memoriapolis are proportional to the ratio of satisfied to unsatisfied citizens. Neglect any stat to the point of significant dissatisfaction, and it will negatively influence the overall performance and other stats in your city.

Therefore, monitoring and ensuring all five stats remain in the ‘Satisfied’ range is paramount for citizen happiness. A decline in these stats could halt migration, and without a growing labor force, your city’s expansion and efficiency will suffer.


Health Stat in Memoriapolis
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To maintain a healthy population, avoid food shortages and escalating faction tensions at all costs. Both these issues can severely impact the Health stat, leading to increased discontent if they persist.

To counter food shortages, increase the number of Small Farms in your city and anticipate your population growth to prevent depletion of food reserves.

To alleviate faction conflicts, strategically distribute your Culture buildings. For example, clusters of Educational Culture buildings may draw citizens into forming a faction; placing Military structures nearby can trigger tensions. Maintain adequate separation between different Culture facilities for a harmonious environment.


Safety Stat in Memoriapolis
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Assaults, thefts, health crises, and faction disputes all contribute to a decline in the Safety Satisfaction stat in Memoriapolis. As citizen dissatisfaction increases, various disruptions will arise in your urban landscape.

To enhance safety, begin by constructing a few Military buildings. Then, go to the House of Grievances and find the “Public Sanctions” decree in the Military section; enacting this will temporarily boost the Safety Satisfaction stat.

Additionally, managing faction disputes can be pivotal. Each faction appears in the House of Grievances, allowing you to identify those exhibiting high tensions. Once identified, you can enact a decree to ease the conflict or expel a faction altogether for an immediate fix.

This enacted decree will remain effective for a specified number of Cycles, extending up to 120 Cycles at a cost of 10 gold for every Cycle.


Belonging Stat in Memoriapolis
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The Religion Culture deeply impacts the Belonging Satisfaction stat in Memoriapolis. By creating dedicated zones for Religion Culture structures, you can attract citizens from the Religion faction to reside nearby.

An increase in Religion buildings over time will elevate your Belonging stat accordingly.

Should the Belonging stat fall significantly, you can also utilize your political leverage at the House of Grievances by enacting the “Self-Flagellation” decree within the Religion section to temporarily boost it, the duration depending on your gold expenditure of 10 gold per Cycle.


Esteem stands in Memoriapolis
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Esteem is critical, as it governs the duration of decrees and boosts production speeds. High Esteem encourages citizen satisfaction and operational efficiency.

To elevate the Esteem stat, focus on erecting numerous Politics Culture structures and ensure they are distanced from conflicting cultural buildings.


Boost Creativity Stat in Memoriapolis
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Lastly, the Creativity stat, which has the least overall influence on other stats, can be boosted by regularly upgrading the Architectural Office to higher levels for increased Blueprint production per Cycle.

Certain resources needed for upgrading the Architectural Office to Tier IV will only be available once you transition to the Middle Ages. Until then, utilizing the “New Territories” decree from the Education section in the House of Grievances will enhance Blueprint generation speed by 15%.

If your immediate goal is to increase the Creativity stat rather than focus on Blueprint generation, consider implementing the “Attractive Schools” decree from the Education section; this will enhance Creativity each Cycle at a cost of 10 gold per Cycle.

For additional strategies, don’t miss our guides on How to Boost Resource Reserves and All Resources and their Acquisition Methods in Memoriapolis.


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