Modder adds Raspberry Pi to CRT TV for pixel-perfect retro gaming

One individual has successfully merged an old CRT TV with a Raspberry Pi to create the ultimate all-in-one retro gaming device.

Despite being considered obsolete for years, the Cathode Ray Tube or CRT television has seen a resurgence in popularity. This is due to the rise of flat-screen TVs boasting higher resolutions and the ability to be wall-mounted. In recent times, CRTs have regained their appeal, especially among retro gaming enthusiasts.

The unique features of a CRT display greatly enhance the appearance of sprite-based graphics. As a result, certain enthusiasts and creators are repurposing old CRT TVs, which were once destined for the landfill, for exciting new endeavors.

On Reddit, Vvlinnzz, a user, came up with the idea to create an integrated CRT for retro gaming as a weekend project. To start off, Vvlinnzz searched for a suitable 80s TV to use as a foundation. The chosen TV was a Nokia ‘Yellow Fellow’ CRT, easily recognizable due to its vibrant yellow exterior.

Nokia TV with integrated Raspberry Pi

In the 1980s, the Nokia Yellow Fellow TV was already a standout among the typical black and silver TVs of that time. However, with the recent modifications made by Vvlinnzz, it now has an even greater opportunity to shine.

Vvlinnzz opted for a Raspberry Pi to serve as the platform for playing retro games. Since its initial release, the Raspberry Pi has been highly favored by retro fans due to its excellent performance as an emulation device.

RetroPi and Recalbox are just two examples of homebrewed software projects that allow users to emulate various vintage gaming consoles. By installing a Raspberry Pi 3 into the CRT’s body, an all-in-one gaming machine was created.

The Nokia TV underwent additional modifications to include USB ports, an internal RGB SCART connection, and a dedicated power switch. As a result, it has become a visually impressive device capable of playing a wide range of games and consoles. This makes it the ideal setup for combining retro gaming with modern technology.

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