Modder Creates Custom Zelda-Themed N64 Controller

One individual on Reddit has chosen a distinctive approach to commemorate their sibling’s birthday by creating a personalized Nintendo 64 controller inspired by The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask.

The Nintendo 64 holds a special place in the hearts of many, with its vast collection of games. Among them, The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask stands out as one of the most revered on the system. Its dark and unforgettable storyline, coupled with its unique visual style, sets it apart from other titles in the beloved Zelda franchise.

EthanDoesWhatever designed a one-of-a-kind homage to the legendary Majora’s Mask game, in the shape of a personalized N64 controller. The controller was a birthday present for his brother, who shares his love for the game.

His goal was to create something one-of-a-kind, and he definitely achieved it, as the final result is breathtaking.

Custom Majora's Mask N64 controller

To create the modified controller, Ethan purchased an inexpensive third-party N64 controller and sanded it down to his desired shape. He then used Plumber’s epoxy putty to sculpt the details and a fine-point file to add a wood-grain effect. To complete the process, he used a nail file to ensure a smooth finish.

A combination of watercolors and acrylic was utilized to create a painted wood effect on the wood-grain. The design was meticulously applied to match the art style of the game, featuring the iconic Majora’s Mask.

Despite Ethan’s initial plans to sell replicas of the controller and his efforts to create silicone injection molds for this purpose, the project was ultimately not realized. However, in a Reddit thread, Ethan has mentioned his potential willingness to produce the replicas upon request. Additionally, he had hoped to incorporate resin action buttons for a unique crystal-like appearance, but this idea did not make it into the final version.

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