Monster Hunter: Teostra’s Water Element Event Quests – Everything We Know

To assist players in getting ready for the introduction of Teostra in Monster Hunter Now, Niantic is offering Hunters the chance to upgrade their water weapons.

As the next Elder Dragon being added to the game, Teostra requires players to upgrade their water weapons. By taking advantage of Teostra’s vulnerability to water and wielding a fully upgraded G10 weapon, players can greatly reduce their hunting times.

The additional damage will also increase your chances of successfully breaking parts and receiving maximum rewards during phase two of the hunt.

Start time & end time

The event quests for the Water element will be available starting from August 5th, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. and will end on August 11th, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. (based on local time).

Event Details

Teostra in Monster Hunter Now

During the water element event quests, all Hunters who have completed the prologue will receive a rate up for the following monsters:

  • Mizutsune: Forest & Swamp
  • Coral Pukei-Pukei: Forest & Swamp
  • Jyuratodus: Swamp

It should be noted that defeating Mizutsune, Coral Pukei-Pukei, Jyuratodus, or Great Jagras will result in a 50% increase in materials received. Furthermore, two of each material in the first and second slots of basic rewards will be given.

All rewards

The Monster Hunter Now event quest featuring water element will grant players the following items upon achieving specific milestones:

  • Wyvern Gem Shard
  • Mizutsune Plate
  • Gatherable materials including Earth Crystals
  • Monster materials including a Wyvern Gem Shard and Mizutsune Plate
  • Zenny
  • Season Tier Points

The Mizutsune Plate and Wyvern Gem Shard are the two most noteworthy items in this context. These rarity six materials are essential for fully upgrading weapons to G10, making them highly coveted by those seeking to increase their damage output.

Having two quests that guarantee the rewards for both items, despite their low drop rates from eight-star monsters, is a major advantage.

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