“Monthly CP” Kim Ji-seok & Jeongju Min are reunited! Jin Zhishuo was very jealous of Li Xiang Er, and when he saw Ting Zhuwen and Ding Wensheng kissing, he called An Dui~

(Cover image source: YouTube@ssomday screenshot, TVDaily)

The on-screen couple Kim Ji Suk and Jeong Bo Min had a lot of sparks when they collaborated on “Monthly Home”. Unfortunately, they failed to become popular due to poor ratings. What really made them hotly discussed was when Jeong Bo Min was filming “Resurrection”and received Kim Ji Suk. A sincere and “super sweet”coffee cart.

After more than a year, these two actors and YouTubers finally collaborated again. Jung Bo Min invited Kim Ji Suk for an interview on the second episode of YouTube’s “ssomday”new project “Som Talk”, “Lee Sang Er or Kim Ji Suk? I’m really confused.””Sad…”Not long after the show started, Kim Ji-seok complained about why he was not the first guest, and also complained aggrievedly about why the shooting was in broad daylight instead of at night. The weather made him unbearable in the heat, and when he arrived at the scene, he only had a welcome drink and no barbecue.. If you look back at Lee Sang-il’s episode, you will know that Lee Sang-il filmed it at night with beautiful lighting and beautiful atmosphere, and the two of them actually camped and ate barbecue at the campsite XDD

(Source: YouTube@ssomday screenshot)

What makes Jin Zhishuo sad is not just the above. He also revealed that Jungju Min always calls him “BROOOOOOO”when sending messages in private, which is not “Oppa”at all. He simply asks Jungju Min to call him “Zhishuo hiong”, the way younger brother calls elder brother. Next, Jin Zhishuo continued to talk, and Tingzuma Min also fought back, saying that he had called Jin Zhishuo but was ignored. The two people settled old scores and decided to settle.

(Source: YouTube@ssomday screenshot)

Although the two have not seen each other for more than a year, at the beginning of the year, Jin Zhishuo supported the stage play “Shakespeare in Love”starring Ting Bo Min and Ding Wensheng. He looked at Ting Bo Min from the distance between the stage and the audience. He said, “I was scared.””Dance”, because I usually think that Min Tingnuma is cute when she is small, but after watching the performance, I realized that she is “very tall”and “very handsome”on the stage. As soon as the conversation turned to the kiss scene, Kim Ji Suk immediately performed his inner little theater, saying that he was like a real brother secretly shouting “An Dui”(no), “Ah──”, but it still happened.

(Source: YouTube@ssomday screenshot)

Jin Zhishuo later found out that they had a business relationship because they never went out for dinner in private. However, Jung Bo Min refuted it, thinking that IFTJs only contact each other when there is something going on. The two finally talked about the drama themes they wanted to work with again, ranging from incest to elves to zombies. XD After watching the film, netizens were very happy to see the two working together again!

▼The video has exceeded 700,000 views (a shorter version is also available on Kim Ji Suk’s channel)


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