Movie-goers terrified after man brings ventriloquist dummy to theater

The man who brought a ventriloquist dummy to the cinema has caused many people on the internet to swear that they would have left “instantly.”

While watching a movie alone can be enjoyable, it can be even more fun to go with a friend or date. However, if your companion happens to be a ventriloquist dummy, others may not share the same sentiment.

Despite this, a man remained undeterred and decided to bring a ventriloquist doll named Raymond to the movies in a suitcase, causing onlookers to express concern.

X user Florian Bettencourt Twombly shared their experience on Twitter, stating that Raymond was seated in his own spot, which they claim was paid for, with a box of popcorn while being introduced to the audience.

Despite Florian’s description of the man accompanying Raymond as “funny and charming”, he also characterized the situation as “unhinged”and disclosed that Raymond was coerced into “talking”.

Several individuals commented on the post, expressing that if they were in Florian’s situation, they would “immediately leave”without hesitation.

“One person commented that they would never still be sitting next to Raymond when the lights dim. Another person shared that after reading Florian’s post, they felt as if they were cursed, anticipating the picture of Raymond to turn its head.”

Despite opposition, there were those who stood by Raymond’s decision to attend: “It’s not your concern, just let the man and his beloved Victorian doll enjoy the movie.”

Florian responded to a commenter who was unimpressed by the sharing of a photo of Raymond online by pointing out that Raymond himself was also taking pictures and encouraging it. According to Florian, it is unreasonable to bring a ventriloquist to the cinema, give it popcorn, and expect others not to also take photos.

Florian mentioned that the person standing behind Raymond had requested to be tagged, but neglected to share his username with the audience before the movie ended.

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