MrBeast Video Success Secrets Revealed in Leaked PDF

A leaked internal onboarding PDF document detailing how MrBeast manages his various content teams has provided insights into the creator’s methodology for producing immensely successful YouTube videos.

The document surfaced on social media on September 14, shared by a startup company founder, quickly gaining traction as many sought to uncover how MrBeast crafts his popular content.

This 37-page document includes well-known best practices, such as the significance of capturing viewer interest in the first minute of a video, as well as more intricate analyses of YouTube analytics and management strategies.

Written informally by MrBeast as a “braindump,” the PDF is not intended as a strict manual for employees to adhere to, but rather as a collection of insights.

MrBeast identifies the type of individuals he wants on his team, referring to them as “A Players,” before discussing four main topics: What makes a YouTube video viral, Creating Content, Creative processes, and Your Career.

YouTube: Lex Fridman

Recently, MrBeast has faced criticism for various reasons.

The initial section of the PDF addresses key performance metrics that MrBeast prioritizes: Click Through Rate, Average View Duration, and Average View Percentage. He discusses what distinguishes his content from that of other creators on the platform.

“Anytime we create something that no other creator can replicate, it sets us apart in the minds of viewers, making our videos feel more unique. This, in turn, enhances their engagement with our brand. Although ‘wow factor’ is difficult to quantify, I can articulate its importance,” he stated.

Furthermore, MrBeast emphasizes how his titles and their presentation through innovative thumbnails are also crafted with virality in mind.

“‘I Spent 50 Hours In My Front Yard’ is dull and unlikely to attract clicks, whereas ‘I Spent 50 Hours In Ketchup’ is far more enticing. Both require similar effort, yet the ketchup scenario is potentially 100 times more viral. An image of someone immersed in ketchup is exponentially more captivating than someone in their front yard,” he explained.

The subsequent section elaborates on the content creation process across MrBeast’s channels, detailing everything from the brainstorming phase to location scouting and filming. It includes overarching principles such as “Video Everything,” “Always have a backup day,” and “Use Consultants.”

“When interacting with people outside MrBeast Productions, don’t take a ‘No’ at face value. If we aim to film in a store and a local Dollar Tree employee says ‘No, you can’t film here,’ it doesn’t hold any weight,” MrBeast advised in the “No Does Not Mean No” section.

In Chapter 3, creators can gain valuable insights into what constitutes a compelling video idea and the overarching goals of MrBeast’s content.

“My primary goal is to do what brings me joy and, ultimately, what satisfies the viewers… However, I will never compromise on quality; I have no qualms about discarding a multi-million dollar project that doesn’t meet my standards and isn’t beneficial for the audience. Continuous improvement and innovation are essential,” he asserted.

The creator also shares additional guidelines such as “No dull moments in videos” and “Seek feedback from as many people as possible to enhance your content further.”

This leak comes at a tumultuous time for the MrBeast brand, amidst several controversies. Nonetheless, he continues to make significant announcements; for example, he launched Lunchly in collaboration with Logan Paul and KSI via an Instagram livestream on September 16.


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