The introduction of the JAK Cataclysm, an upgrade for the RPK in Modern Warfare 3, has caused a divide among multiplayer enthusiasts as it effectively turns the weapon into a. 50 cal rifle capable of one-shot kills. Some argue that it should be weakened.
In Warzone, the RPK is quickly rising in popularity thanks to the JAK Cataclysm conversion kit. This powerful kit is capable of downing enemies in just two shots, and when combined with a headshot, it becomes a formidable rival to weapons like the Kar98k and MORS.
Despite its strength in Warzone, the conversion kit truly shines in multiplayer. With the JAK Cataclysm, enemies can be taken down with one shot from the stomach up to 35 meters away, and one shot from the chest and up at any range.
FaZe Scope shared a video on Twitter showcasing their effortless elimination of eight enemies in quick succession using the conversion kit. The impressive footage caught the attention of the Reddit community, sparking discussions about the potential imbalance of the powerful one-shot kill weapon.
Another OP single-shot weapon. High TTK is terrible IMO byu/Lumenprotoplasma inModernWarfareIII
In MW2, most multiplayer snipers have the ability to take down enemies with a single shot, with the exception of a few. The main issue that players face in MW3 is the extremely fast aiming down sights (ADS) speed of snipers and the lack of flinch.
Increasing flinch and reducing Aim-down sight speeds for sniper rifles would weaken the JAK Cataclysm conversion kit’s effectiveness.
Sledgehammer Games responded to community feedback by making the time-to-kill slower in MW3, which was identified as a contributing factor to the issue. However, this decision has resulted in certain weapons becoming more powerful.
“Many individuals desired an extended TTK in order to widen the skill disparity, and their wish was granted. However, there is an issue with specific weapons such as sniper rifles and one-shot shotguns, as they do not adhere to this intention,”a different user pointed out.
Some players in the community expressed a different viewpoint, arguing that the issue was not really the TTK, but rather a strategic move to keep players engaged and coming back on a daily basis.
“The issue does not lie with the high TTK; rather, it is the result of the developers either lacking skill in weapon balancing or intentionally releasing overpowered weapons to maintain player engagement.”
Despite the exact problem, the players are urging for the JAK Cataclysm to be nerfed before it gains even more popularity.
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