Despite being initially portrayed as the main antagonist in My Hero Academia, All for One eventually becomes overshadowed by Tomura Shigaraki. However, the latest chapter suggests that the villain may finally receive the recognition he deserves as the true nemesis of the series.
The highly anticipated My Hero Academia chapter 419 is set to debut on April 8, 2024, but the spoilers for this chapter have already surfaced. All eyes are on the villainous All for One, as he reveals his manipulation of Tomura Shigaraki from birth in this chapter.
This may also mark the first time in the series since its early days that the main antagonist has finally received the attention he was meant to have from the beginning.
Please note: This article contains possible spoilers from the My Hero Academia manga series and reflects the author’s personal opinion.
The Rise of All For One: All Might’s Final Battle in My Hero Academia
Based on the spoilers for chapter 419, the chapter began with a dialogue between Izuku and the vestige of All for One. Despite losing his hands in the previous chapter, Izuku had yet to regain them. The vestige disclosed that Deku’s mental state had triggered the emergence of All for One in Shigaraki’s mind.
The villain proceeded to reveal how he had orchestrated Shigaraki’s descent into depression, implying that he had always been manipulating the course of the latter’s life. He began by recounting his close attempt to capture En Tayutai (Hero name: Gaen) and Daigoro Banjo (Hero Name: Lariat), and his ultimate goal of obtaining One for All.
The villain proceeded to explain how he had captured Tomura and bestowed upon him the Decay quirk. In order to ensure the success of his plans, the villain coerced Kotaoru Shimura, father of Shigaraki, to have another child as his first daughter was deemed unsuitable. Once Tomura was born, the villain kidnapped him, stripped him of his innate quirk, and implanted a new quirk known as Disintegration.
Dr. Garaki replicated Disintegration as an experimental quirk, resulting in Tomura’s infamous Decay. As the villain delivered his speech, Tomura’s will appeared to be deteriorating and, in an instant, Deku was expelled from his consciousness.
The villain revealed himself as Tomura Shigaraki and announced that the latter was dead. He then proceeded to plot his ultimate goal of world domination. As predicted, Deku confronted him but was suddenly struck with intense pain, causing him to collapse. In reality, his hands had completely disintegrated. Seeing Deku in agony, the villain attempted to end the hero’s life once and for all.
Suddenly, Hanta Sero materialized on the battlefield and swiftly ensnared the villain in his tape. He was joined by Mashirao Ojiro and Rikido Satou, who charged towards the villain to engage in battle. Just as they were about to confront the villain, Aizawa appeared through a mysterious portal and remarked that their arrival was slightly delayed.
Following his defeat in season 3 of My Hero Academia, All for One lost his role as the main antagonist and the focus shifted to Tomura Shigaraki. However, he has resurfaced as the true villain of the series, and with All Might no longer able to protect the world, it could become the playground for his villainy.
Although the students who arrived as backup provided some assistance against the villain, with the latter being given another opportunity to conquer the world, it would require more than just a few U.A. High students to defeat him now.
When will My Hero Academia chapter 419 be released?
Spoilers for chapter 419 of My Hero Academia
Is it explained in My Hero Academia how Deku loses his arms?
Horikoshi’s latest work, My Hero Academia, has once again captured the hearts of fans and reignited their love for the series.
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