My Hero Academia Season 7: Anime vs Manga Comparison

The third episode of My Hero Academia season 7, which was released on May 18, 2024, stayed true to its source material, the manga series, while also incorporating a few original scenes that are common in this sequel since its first episode.

The episode not only exposed the U.A. traitor, but also depicted Class 1-A participating in training. Despite expectations that the episode would solely revolve around the reveal of Aoyama as the traitor, as seen in the manga, it effectively balanced all aspects by giving equal attention to the class’s training and the interrogation of Aoyama’s family.

This article will explore the various elements of the episode and analyze the anime-original scenes that were incorporated as well as the influence of the direction on the episode.

Please be aware that this article may contain spoilers from episode 3 of season 7 of My Hero Academia and includes the author’s personal opinions.

Comparing My Hero Academia Season 7 Episode 3 to its Manga Chapters

The training of Class 1-A

Todoroki as seen in the episode (Image via Bones)
Todoroki as seen in the episode (Image via Bones)

The third episode of season 7 in My Hero Academia was titled “Villain”and was based on chapters 335-337, as well as the first few panels of chapter 338. The episode began with a short flashback to the battle between Star and Stripe and TomurAFO, which was a unique addition made specifically for the anime.

To everyone’s surprise, the following scene in the manga was completely improvised. All Might had just urged Class 1-A to push themselves harder, and Bakugo had responded by insisting that they were already giving their all and would continue to do so even when confronted by villains. However, this particular scene did not make it into the anime, as the episode instead incorporated new footage from Class 1-A’s training session.

Additionally, the anime made some changes to the scene where Bakugo uses his Cluster attack on Midoriya, adding their own spin. The training of the other students was also altered, with the exception of Todoroki’s, which closely followed the panel from the manga.

During the training, Midoriya stated that he would handle the villains, but Iida quickly interjected and emphasized that it was a team effort. In My Hero Academia season 7 episode 3, all of Class 1-A was shown supporting this statement, which was not depicted in the manga. However, the scene where All for One conversed with his allies remained completely faithful to the manga with no changes.

The Traitor of U.A. High School

Aoyama as seen in the episode (Image via Bones)
Aoyama as seen in the episode (Image via Bones)

During Class 1-A’s training, Midoriya observed that Aoyama was missing. Meanwhile, in the forest surrounding U.A. High School, Hagakure overheard a conversation between Aoyama and his parents. They were reassuring him that everything would be okay as long as he kept up with his responsibilities.

The latest episode of My Hero Academia delved into Aoyama’s past, showing how he stood out from his fellow students. A major highlight of season 7 episode 3 was the reveal of Aoyama’s parents and their realization that their son would never develop a quirk. The use of red tones effectively conveyed the tension surrounding Aoyama, adding to the overall impact of the episode.

In addition to the original anime scenes, the show also explored the aftermath of Aoyama’s parents learning about his involvement with All for One and how he acquired the Naval Laser. As the third episode of season 7 of My Hero Academia progressed, it became increasingly clear that Aoyama was the traitor. Similar to the viewers, Hagakure also discovered the truth and searched for someone nearby to confide in.

Fortunately, Deku arrived just in time and inquired with Aoyama about the information provided by his parents. Aoyama’s parents joined their son in a panicked rush as the hero attempted to blast Deku with his Navel Laser in a last-ditch effort.

Hagakure as seen in the episode (Image via Bones)
Hagakure as seen in the episode (Image via Bones)

It was at this moment that Hagakure stepped in, revealing yet another anime-original detail as she spoke to Aoyama. She expertly dodged his Navel Laser attack and proceeded to question him about his true emotions throughout everything that had happened.

The episode also showcased Hagakure’s face reveal, as well as a conversation where Midoriya, taking advantage of Aoyama’s vulnerable state, captured him and his parents with his Black Whip quirk. Additionally, Midoriya tearfully pleaded with Aoyama to cease his actions.

The interrogation

Aoyama as seen in the episode (Image via Bones)
Aoyama as seen in the episode (Image via Bones)

Upon apprehending the criminals, Aoyama and his family were escorted to U.A. High, where they were questioned by the teachers and the principal. Class 1-A, who were gathered on the sidelines, were visibly stunned. Despite the principal’s request for the students to leave, they refused.

As the interrogation progressed, Midoriya assured Aoyama that he could still become a hero by aiding U.A. High School in defeating All for One. However, Aoyama’s family had no connection with All for One.

The final scene of My Hero Academia’s seventh episode of season 3 featured Midoriya reaffirming his belief that Aoyama still had the potential to be a hero. This original scene from the anime served as a source of hope for the characters.

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