My Hero Academia season 7 episode 14: Shoji vs. Spinner begins as Koda gets a quirk awakening

The fourteenth episode of season 7 of My Hero Academia was titled “Together with Shoji”and aired on Saturday, August 24, 2024 at 5:30 pm JST. This episode features Mezo Shoji (Tentacole), Koji Koda (Anima), and Present Mic as they confront the heteromorph rioters, led by Spinner, and a Paranormal Liberation Front (PLF) adviser at the Central Hospital.

Despite their best efforts, the villains are determined to free Kurogiri, who is currently imprisoned in the hospital. Alongside this, the episode delves into Shoji’s backstory and showcases Koda’s transformation, as he grows a powerful horn that enhances his quirk’s capabilities. However, despite the team’s efforts, Spinner, strengthened by additional quirks from AFO, successfully breaches their defenses and gains entry to the hospital by the end of the episode.

Please note: This article includes spoilers from episode 14 of season 7 of My Hero Academia.

My Hero Academia Season 7 Episode 14: Shoji’s Battle Against the Heteromorph Rebellion and Koda’s Growing Horns

My Hero Academia: Season 7 Episode 14 Opening Events

The 14th episode of My Hero Academia’s 7th season begins with a flashback to Shoji’s early years, revealing the difficult treatment he faced in his hometown because of his heteromorph appearance. In the current timeline, as news of Dabi’s apprehension spreads, Spinner takes charge and leads a massive army of 15,000 heteromorphs to the Central Hospital with the goal of freeing Kurogiri.

Despite being vastly outnumbered, the pro heroes, consisting of Present Mic, Rock Lock, Shoji, and Koda, valiantly fight against the enemy forces with the assistance of a small police unit of 200. Amidst the chaos, Present Mic and Koda join forces, but unfortunately become separated from Shoji.

Spinner in this episode (Image via Bones)
Spinner in this episode (Image via Bones)

The heroes are taken by surprise as they face a highly organized and coordinated attack, which quickly proves to be too much for them to handle. Amidst the chaos, Koda, a heteromorph hero, is falsely accused of being a traitor by the rioters, adding to the complexity of the battle. Adding to the chaos, a PLF adviser, positioned on top of a building, orchestrates the attack by reminding the army of their long history of mistreatment.

During a flashback, Skeptic’s instructions to the adviser are revealed, urging them to take advantage of the moment to understand Re-Destro’s revolution. As the battle continues, Spinner, who has now been empowered with the Body Bulk quirk from AFO and grown in size, takes charge of the attack.

Nevertheless, a flashback reveals that the new quirks have affected Spinner’s mind, causing him to be consumed by a destructive desire to release Kurogiri and wreak havoc on everything in his way.

Episode 14: Shoji’s Backstory and Koda’s Transformation in My Hero Academia Season 7

Shoji vs. Spinner (Image via Bones)
Shoji vs. Spinner (Image via Bones)

In episode 14 of season 7 of My Hero Academia, Shoji utilizes his Octablow to confront Spinner, leading the rioters to retreat and defend their leader. Reflecting on his own experiences of being oppressed in his childhood, Shoji raises doubts about the rioters’ intentions, drawing a comparison between their present acts of aggression and the heroes’ previous actions of prioritizing the safety of civilians during the Jaku Hospital raid.

Despite Shoji’s attempts to stand up for himself and question their plans, his words only serve to further confuse the rioters. As a result, they start to doubt Spinner and his leadership. With the cacophony of voices and his thoughts becoming increasingly jumbled, Spinner finds it difficult to keep a grip on the situation.

Spinner with Scalemail in My Hero Academia season 7 episode 14 (Image via Bones)
Spinner with Scalemail in My Hero Academia season 7 episode 14 (Image via Bones)

During a flashback, he recalls AFO granting him the Scalemail quirk to further bolster his defense alongside his Body Bulk ability. He also reminisces about a conversation he had with Shigaraki regarding games.

Driven by his determination to complete his mission and aid Shigaraki, Spinner unleashes Scalemail, enveloping himself in impenetrable scales and swiftly overpowering Shoji. Amidst the chaos, Koda anxiously remembers Shoji’s heartbreaking childhood tales that he had confided in Class 1-A.

These flashbacks depict Shoji’s past experience of rescuing a girl in his village, highlighting his gratitude towards his heteromorph abilities despite the prejudice he endured.

Koda grows horns (Image via Bones)
Koda grows horns (Image via Bones)

Koda is driven by his friend’s determination to improve the future for both heteromorphs and humans. As his quirk awakens and he develops horns, he becomes even more inspired. Shoji remains steadfast in his determination to fight, challenging the rioters to reconsider their actions and find more effective means of bringing about change.

In the 14th episode of My Hero Academia’s seventh season, the adviser for the PLF makes an attempt to inspire the rioters with a passionate speech. Koda, remembering his mother’s prophecy that he would one day grow horns and her advice to always stand up for his beliefs, utilizes his newfound abilities to summon a flock of birds and knock the adviser off the building.

Koda in this episode (Image via Bones)
Koda in this episode (Image via Bones)

During a flashback, it is revealed that Shoji had requested Aizawa and All Might to assign him to the Central Hospital due to his knowledge of a potential heteromorph uprising. His determination to improve the future for heteromorphs convinced the teachers to fulfill his request, and Koda offered to accompany him.

Currently, as he observes Shoji and Koda’s unwavering determination, Present Mic acknowledges their increasing strength and is prepared to offer his support.

My Hero Academia: Season 7 Episode 14 Closing Scenes Shoji Confronts Spinner and Koda Defeats the PLF Adviser, Yet Their Efforts Fall Short

Shoji fights Spinner (Image via Bones)
Shoji fights Spinner (Image via Bones)

Towards the conclusion of My Hero Academia season 7 episode 14, with the help of Present Mic, Shoji uses his Octospansion to attack Spinner and confront him and the other rioters. He implores them to consider what they are truly fighting for and not let their past hurts be used against them or succumb to thoughts of vengeance.

Despite sharing his own painful experiences, Spinner remains adamant that their scars will never fully heal. He uses this as motivation to urge the rioters to continue fighting. As their morale increases, Spinner and the rioters push forward, eventually overpowering the heroes. The episode comes to a close with Spinner successfully breaking into the hospital amidst the chaos.

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