My Hero Academia Season 7: Preview Images Tease Battle Between Brothers in Episode 7

The sneak peek images for the highly anticipated My Hero Academia Season 7 Episode 7 hint at the epic showdown between Shoto and Dabi.

The Final War Arc, the longest and most crucial arc of My Hero Academia, has finally begun in Season 7. As it is also the final arc of the series, the upcoming episodes will feature even more intense and significant battles that will greatly impact the story.

Fans have long awaited the highly anticipated showdown between brothers Shoto and Dabi, also known as Toya Todoroki. While Shoto is determined to become a hero, Dabi’s path has led him to become a notorious member of the League of Villains, known for his mass-murdering ways. Additionally, Dabi harbors deep resentment towards his family, especially his father Endeavor and brother Shoto.

Despite being an open secret in My Hero Academia for a significant period of time, Dabi’s true identity was not officially confirmed until the Paranormal Liberation Arc. In a nationwide broadcast, the villain finally revealed himself as Endeavor’s son and shared the horrific trauma he endured from his father.

Despite also suffering from abuse and trauma at the hands of the current number one hero, Shoto, Dabi harbors a strong resentment towards him for being the perfect child that Endeavor desired. Dabi holds no empathy towards Shoto and instead only feels intense animosity towards him.

Therefore, the highly anticipated confrontation between Shoto and his opponent in My Hero Academia Season 7 Episode 7 promises to be a gripping and intense fight, serving as a pivotal moment in their character development.

In addition to that, the upcoming episode will showcase significant moments with Deku, Ochako, and Toga Himiko, as well as expand on Shigaraki’s destructive actions. Titled ‘Inflation’, episode 7 will premiere on June 15, 2024, on Crunchyroll.

To learn more about the superhero anime, discover which manga chapters are adapted in My Hero Academia Season 7, whether it is the final season of the anime, and the number of My Hero Academia movies available.

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