Mysterious Netflix 7M TikTok cult true crime leaves fans confused

At the end of the month, Netflix plans to release a documentary series about the TikTok dancing cult with 7 million followers. However, the title remains a secret, causing confusion among fans of true crime.

Amidst the plethora of new true crime content coming to streaming this month, one has particularly caught attention – Dancing for the Devil: The 7M TikTok Cult. For those unfamiliar, 7M Films serves as a management company for several popular TikTok dancers.

In the past few years, there have been accusations that 7M is a cult under the leadership of its founder, Robert Shinn, who is also the pastor of the controversial Shekinah Church. These allegations include claims that Shinn utilizes coercive methods and separates dancers from their families in order to manipulate them for his own gain.

Despite little information being available about the upcoming Netflix docu-series, one thing is certain: it will be released on May 29. Among the individuals linked to its production is Katie Joy Paulson, also known as Without a Crystal Ball on the internet.

Fans are taking issue with the title on Netflix due to Katie’s history of facing controversies over the years. Many have accused her of being an untrustworthy source, further fueling the criticism.

Last week, she announced on Instagram that the docuseries Dancing with the Devil: The 7M TikTok Cult will be available on Netflix starting May 29, 2024. It has been a long journey to bring this project to fruition, involving over two years of collaboration with producers, directors, and former members of 7M and Shekinah Church. I am incredibly proud of what we have accomplished.


Katie Joy shared a post about the Netflix documentary

She continues to assert that Shinn has “initiated a legal case” against her and others involved in the creation of the series, alleging that it is an effort to halt production and discourage individuals from speaking out. Nonetheless, there are currently no available court records of this alleged lawsuit on the internet.

In 2020, a petition was started to remove Katie from YouTube, as the creator accused her of misrepresenting stories and presenting opinions as facts. This has led to multiple lawsuits, including one from influencer Tati Westbrook and Todd Chrisley.

Despite the settlements, concerns remain about Without a Crystal Ball’s role in the production of Dancing for the Devil: The 7M TikTok Cult. One Reddit user commented, “She should hope that she has concrete evidence to back up the information she provided, or else this could have negative repercussions for her.”

One person also mentioned that there is limited information about the docu-series online, aside from a brief summary stating that it follows the story of TikTok dancers who were deceived into joining a management company named 7M, which turned out to be a cult. As they strive to move on from their past experiences and rebuild their lives, they unite to put an end to the destructive cycle and find healing.

Another Reddit user responded, “That’s strange. I searched for it and couldn’t find any advertising about it. I’m not a PR expert, but I would expect there to be at least a website for it. Could it be that they’re waiting until the start of the month to begin advertising? Either way, I can already anticipate Katie Joy being insufferable next month.”

“However, it would be satisfying if the doctor exposed her foolishness. Although I doubt that will happen, the mere thought brings me joy,”chimed in a fourth person, to which a fifth responded, “We can only hope. She will undoubtedly manipulate the situation for her followers, who will undoubtedly believe her.”

“Another individual stated that anyone attempting to fact-check this information will uncover her troublesome actions and numerous legal battles. This, along with the actions of others involved, will undermine the credibility of this ‘documentary’. Furthermore, any statements made in the program can now be used against her in the defamation case.”

The 7M TikTok cult explained

In the beginning of 2022, discussions about 7M being a cult began to gain attention. This was sparked by an emotional Instagram video shared by TikTok dancer Miranda Derrick’s parents and sister. In the video, they expressed their worries about the church’s ties to a dance company and claimed that Miranda was not allowed to communicate with them.

Melanie Wilking and her parents

Melanie Wilking and her parents shared an emotional plea in 2022

According to sister Melanie Wilking, who used to make dance videos with Miranda under the Wilking Sisters name, they had not heard from Miranda in over a year and believed her mind had been “altered”since joining 7M. Melanie added that Miranda is now a part of a religious group and is not allowed to communicate with them.

The Wilkings family recounted that Miranda had noticeably transformed right before their eyes, altering her appearance and dance technique, and tying the knot with fellow dancer James “BDash” Derrick without their knowledge.

In May 2022, 7 million lawyers released statements to The Cut denying the allegations made against them. Miranda, one of the lawyers, explained in her statement that the pandemic had given her time to reflect and undergo a spiritual transformation. She began attending Bible studies and learning about God during this time.

She went on to say, “I am aware that my loved ones noticed changes in me during this journey, and it was indeed true. I was evolving for the better and experiencing a love like never before. I expressed to Melanie my desire to continue making videos together as the Wilking Sisters, but I no longer wished to do it in the same manner as before.”

“My desire for more control over my schedule led me to seek an equal partnership with my business partner, rather than continuing with her controlling ways. I also wanted to prioritize other aspects of my life, such as my relationship with James, attending Bible studies, pursuing music, and having some personal downtime.”

Nonetheless, a group of individuals related to 7M dancers emerged to express their worries that their family members were involved in a cult. In March 2023, it was reported that a former 7M dancer and others had filed a complaint against the organization, its founder, and the Shekinah Church, alleging that Shinn had exploited his followers.


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According to Rolling Stone, Aubrey Fisher-Greene, Kylie Douglas, and Kevin “Konkrete” Davis were among the seven individuals who filed a complaint, stating that Shekinah is a cult disguised as a religious organization, as per court documents.

Robert proclaims himself as ‘the Man of God’ and delivers sermons to the members of Shekinah, warning them that not submitting to him or leaving Shekinah will result in a cursed life. He demands complete physical and financial control over the members of Shekinah.

The outlet emphasized that the filing was a cross-complaint, which was a response to Shinn’s own complaint filed in October 2022 against a former member. He accused her of defamation and extortion.

It should be noted that this is not the initial instance of Shinn being involved in legal conflicts. Back in 2009, Lydia Chung, a former follower of Shekinah, filed a lawsuit against him, alleging that he used methods such as undue influence, mind control, coercive persuasion, oppression, and intimidating tactics to swindle her out of $3.8 million.

Despite ultimately ruling in Shinn’s favor, the judge’s attention was once again brought to the 2009 case by the more recent 7M allegations. This provided a new viewpoint on Shinn’s previous legal issues.

Despite the lack of a trailer for Dancing for the Devil: The 7M TikTok Cult, Netflix’s upcoming docu-series, its release is still several weeks away. It remains to be seen if Katie Joy’s alleged involvement will have any impact, but there are still numerous unanswered questions surrounding the strange and ongoing case.

Discover an abundance of incredible films, television series, and true crime documentaries to watch on streaming during this month. And if that’s not sufficient, learn about the upcoming K-drama releases for the year.

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