Naafiri abilities revealed in League of Legends: Darkin Daggers, Eviscerate, and more

Riot Games has officially revealed Naafiri’s abilities in League of Legends. The newest Darkin assassin will be the second champion to be released this year, and will make her debut in the upcoming Patch 13.14. According to the recent trailer, she has assimilated into a pack of hounds from Shurima, and has realized the blessing of teamwork over working alone through this connection.

She can dive into the backline to burst down any ADCs or mid-laners attempting to scale behind their tanks. Furthermore, her gap-closing abilities are excellent. Naafiri’s assassin kit, which offers plenty of mobility, significant damage, and even a little healing, is said to be simple to use and master in League of Legends.

All Naafiri abilities in League of Legends explained

Passive: We Are More

When Naafiri uses an ability, her passive causes her to summon Packmates (small dogs), which attack the enemies she targets and deal more physical damage. Furthermore, its cooldown is reduced if she hits champions with abilities or kills them.

Q: Darkin Daggers

It’s a ranged attack, and she can hold two dagger charges. The Darkin-tainted blades can deal physical damage, causing bleeding for a few seconds. If the enemy has the status effect already, this skill deals bonus damage as well as additional bleeding.

The Packmates will leap to attack targets. Furthermore, Naafiri can restore some health if the target is a champion, and she will also drop a mark on them.

W: Hounds’ Pursuit

She and her Packmates dash to the targeted enemy and deal damage to it. Furthermore, it slows the colliding champion or target. She can go over walls, and her Packmates dash alongside her, dealing extra damage.

E: Eviscerate

She performs a spinning attack and can deal AoE damage to every enemy if she passes through. Subsequently, she explodes, dealing more physical damage. Then she can recall and heal her Packmates to full health.

R: The Call of the Pack

Naafiri turns into the Evil Darkened Hound form, empowers her pack, and spawns additional packmates. She then gains a short burst of attack speed, the ability to see nearby enemies, and a shield when attacking a champion.

Also, on the first enemy-champion takedown, all effects are refreshed so she can keep this up. The number of Packmates she summons seems to be different. Seven seems to be the max, but sometimes she summons five, so it’s possibly level-based.

How can you pet Naafiri in League of Legends?

Naafiri’s entire arsenal will be focused on her and her Packmates, as new hounds will spawn through her passive and will relentlessly attack for and alongside her. As she resembles a dog in League of Legends, there will be an interaction with this champion that will let players pet her.

However, according to the League of Legends’ developer, it will not directly tell players how to pet Naafiri; instead, it will let them figure it out for themselves.

Naafiri is supposed to be an easy-to-play mid-assassin with a generous amount of dashes. Furthermore, she seems super fun but also quite strong. Fans will see next week on the PBE how she plays out. Following that, they can probably test her out on League of Legends patch 13.14’s live servers, which is expected to release on July 19, 2023.

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