Nadeshot Saves Scump’s Life After He Chokes on Steak Fajita

“During dinner, professional Call of Duty player Scump revealed that 100 Thieves founder Nadeshot had “saved his life”after he nearly choked on a cold steak fajita.”

Despite his fame in the gaming community, Matthew ‘Nadeshot’ Haag is being recognized for his heroic actions in saving the life of one of Call of Duty’s top players.

Renowned pro Seth ‘Scump’ Abner shared that he was dining with other prominent figures in the CoD esports community when he began devouring a steak fajita.

It should be mentioned that the fajita he ate was both cold and chewy, and he acknowledged that he did not properly chew it.

He explained that he was in the process of eating the thing when it suddenly clumped up in his chest after he had swallowed it. Realizing the danger, he thought to himself, ‘Oh sh*t, I might actually choke on this f*cking fajita right here.’

“Stepping back into the room, he exclaimed, ‘Oh my goodness, I am actually choking!’ He struggled to breathe as he recalled, ‘I couldn’t catch my breath at all.’”

In response, Nadeshot quickly sprang into action. The owner of 100 Thieves proceeded to administer the Heimlich maneuver on Scump, and after a brief period of time, Scump was able to expel the contents of his stomach. Nadeshot described the vomit as resembling “dog food.”

Despite Scump not showing any signs of immediate recovery, his wife Izzy rushed over and began frantically pounding on his back, urging Nadeshot to call for an ambulance.

Nadeshot recalled, “At that moment, I realized, ‘Oh my goodness. He could potentially lose his life.’”

Fearing that he lacked the strength to remove the steak lodged in Scump’s throat, Nadeshot spotted streamer TeePee and requested assistance from him.

Fortunately, Scump’s breathing became audible again once TeePee intervened – and Scump jokingly attributed Nadeshot with “saving his life”for persistently teasing him to say it.

Additionally, Fortnite professional Symfunny revealed that Nadeshot had requested gifted subscriptions once the tense moment had passed, as a way of assisting his friend. This added a touch of comedy to an otherwise alarming event.

On social media, fans expressed their relief that Scump was safe and also found humor in Nadeshot’s retelling of the events. One user even wrote, “This truly shows the purest form of love.”

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