Namgong Min’s performance of “Stove League” and the cooperation with the new director and director are wonderful: “This is not a simple script. If you choose it, you will not doubt it.”

(Cover photo source: friDay video @《刘QUIZ ON THE BLOCK》screenshot)

Known as the “National Min”actor who “trusts and watches”, Nangong Min recently appeared on the talk show “Liu Quiz On the Block”hosted by Liu Zaixi and Cao Shihao to talk about his acting career for more than 20 years. Of course, he has to talk about many The roles in life, especially “Stove League”(Gold Medal Rescue, Miracle Partner), which made him win the TV station award for the first time.

Speaking of “Stove League”, I have to praise Namgong Min’s unique vision in choosing the script, because “Stove League”is based on the workplace of professional baseball, and ordinary audiences are not easy to be attracted. The ratings at the beginning were as low as 3.3 %, but gradually out of word of mouth, the general evaluation is that even if you are not familiar with baseball, you can watch it with gusto. With the ratings constantly doubling, the ending soared to nearly 19.1%. Namgong Min, like the “Leader Baek Seung-soo”he interpreted in the play, also succeeded in creating miracles outside the play.

(Source: SBS “Stove League”official poster)

Before “Stove League”(2019), Namgong Min has established his status as a first-line actor through works such as “Remember-Son’s War”(2015), “Chief Kim”(2017) and “Operation”(2017), which is a guarantee of acting skills It is also a guarantee of ratings. Taking on “Stove League”is actually a shock to everyone, not only because the subject matter is unpopular, but also because “Stove League”screenwriter Li Xinhua (or translated Li Xinhe) is a newcomer, and director Zheng Dongyun is also a newcomer. Write about miracles.

(Source: Screenshot of friDay Video @《刘QUIZ ON THE BLOCK》)

Why did Namgoong Min choose “Stove League”? He vividly said that he received the script from the representative of the agency, and the representative asked him to “take a look at it.”After reading it for an hour, he called the representative back: “This is not a TV series that you can just take a look at.”The representative After listening to it, he responded with great interest: “Right? Interesting, right?”Nangong Min and the screenwriter met the director and found out that they were both newcomers. He praised the newcomer screenwriter for being so good at writing, so he happily decided to cooperate. Nangong Min narrated the behind-the-scenes footage in “Liu Quiz”, but what about other people’s perspectives?

Screenwriter Li Xinhua once revealed on his personal IG the scene where he met Nangong Min for the first time. As soon as Nangong Min saw him, he kept praising him for his first work. So far, Li Xinhua still thinks that there is a gap between Namgong Min and Baek Seung-soo in his heart, but after continuing to pay attention, he finds that he is the same as Dreams (the team and ball team in the play) who has no chance to prove himself, and Namgoong Min is everything. Leader Baek Seung-soo who can win the championship.

Just like Baek Seung-soo is to Dreams, Nangong Min is to Li Xinhua is the existence of Bole. He gratefully described “It is he who erased the “My dream TV series is impossible to come true”written in the shadows”*, but in Nangong Min When he won the TV station SBS Grand Award, he fully realized that the words “dreams are impossible to come true”were wrong, because looking at Namgong Min was like looking at Baek Seung-soo, and he realized that hard work will definitely be proved, “Everything is not a flash, is the glorious reward of time that has come silently.” (* ‎Written by Li Xinhua talking about the first meeting with Nangong Min, the full translation of the post can be found on PTT ‎ )

“When I read (the script) and found it very interesting, I would not doubt it and try to make the most of it when I chose it.”With Nangong Min’s insight and hard work, the famous work “Stove League”was born. With the above-mentioned behind-the-scenes The content is very good, and loyal audiences still talk about it until now. However, Namgong Min said modestly that he was lucky to pick a good script. Liu Zaixi responded that “choosing a script is also an ability.”Only when you are convinced can you put in the corresponding effort.”

(Source: Screenshot of friDay Video @《刘QUIZ ON THE BLOCK》)

Under the relevant YouTube clips of “Liu Quiz”, netizens all recognized Namgong Min’s efforts and praised him for being very handsome, and some people knocked on the bowl: “Just like what Bai Intern (Baimoli, the role of Kim Ji-eun in “Thousand Yuan Lawyer”) said, “When will Stove League 2 come out?”Although it is not sure whether “Stove League”is planned for the second season, Li Xinhua’s latest PO article mentioned that he watched the last interview of “Liu Quiz”Nangong Min, and he was deeply concerned. Weeping, and revealed that I am still working hard to write the script, maybe I will see the new work written by Li Xinhua soon!

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