Nami’s Mentor Makes a Surprising Return in One Piece Chapter 1125

Nami’s guide in Weatheria, Haredas, surprisingly makes an appearance in Chapter 1125 of One Piece… which may potentially result in something significant.

As the Final Saga of One Piece progresses, numerous plotlines are converging. We have already delved into the reasons behind Kuma’s aid to Luffy in Sabaody and the link between Robin’s birthplace, Ohara, and Vegapunk in the Egghead Arc.

In Chapter 1125, the manga features the return of another seemingly insignificant character. However, Vegapunk’s appearance is not a typical resurrection, as only his main brain is revived while his dead Satellites are brought back to life later on.

Shaka, Edison, Pythagoras, and Atlas all merge their body parts to form a peculiar new shape, while still maintaining their individual consciousness. Together, they are known as the new Vegapunk, and it is their duty to protect the brain from any adversaries.

As Egghead Island is now under the control of the World Government and York, the traitor, still resides on the island, protecting the brain from falling into enemy hands has become an even greater challenge. As a result, the four individuals make the decision to relocate it to a secure location.

Nami’s mentor, Haredas, plays a crucial role in this situation. In Chapter 1125, it is revealed that he shares a close friendship with Vegapunk, much like Clover. Additionally, being a highly advanced nation in terms of science, Weatheria would serve as the ideal location for Vegapunk’s actual brain to rest.

Upon receiving a call from his supposedly deceased friend, Haredas, Edison, who is both confused and irritated, asks him to have them on Weatheria. While the details of their conversation are not revealed in the chapter, it can be inferred what transpires next.

In the upcoming chapter, it is likely that the Satellites will relocate to Weatheria along with Vegapunk’s brain. This could result in Haredas and Weatheria playing more significant roles in the future.

Perhaps at some point, he will be able to reunite with Nami and provide her with the much-needed power-up. However, as it is One Piece, we will likely have to wait a significant amount of time to witness this event.

Until that time, we still have plenty of content to keep you entertained, including our rankings for the top villains, most formidable Devil Fruits, strongest members of the Straw Hat Pirates, and most heart-wrenching backstories in the manga.

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