Nana had tattoos all over her body during the filming of “Masquerade Girl”, and the crew was forced to spend 2 hours a day covering them

(Cover image source: FB@NetflixKR, TVDaily)

Actor Nana has attracted worldwide attention for Netflix’s popular new drama “Masquerade Girl”. It was reported that the period when she suddenly got tattoos on her body last year coincided with the filming time of the drama, so the staff had to spend extra time every day covering up one by one, which caused a lot of attention on the Internet. discuss.

When Nana attended the press conference of the film “Confessions”last September, her whole body was covered with tattoos, stretching from her chest and back to her limbs and even her ankles. The public was shocked and speculated whether it was temporarily painted. Not long after, Nana confirmed that it was a genuine tattoo, and that she designed the pattern herself.

On the 14th of this month, NANA was a guest on the YouTube variety show “Zhao Xianya’s Thursday Night”and mentioned that he was washing off the tattoos, and revealed the reason for the tattoos at that time: “During that time, I felt heavy. This is the only way for me to express my emotions and relieve them.”And Washing it off now is because my mother asked me to say “I want to see your clean body again”, and after a period of precipitation, Nana herself also felt better, and even felt “really like a fool”at the time.

(Source: Screenshot of “Zhao Xianya’s Thursday Night”)

But unfortunately, Nana was filming “Masquerade Girl”at the time. According to related sources, Nana suddenly appeared in the middle of the filming with a full body tattoo, so the staff had to add extra time to cover up the tattoo.

(Source: FB@NetflixKR)
(Source: FB@NetflixKR)

The reporter who reported the incident said that Ahn Jae Hong and Yeom Hye Ran, who also starred in the drama, spent 2 hours doing special make-up before each shooting in order to blend in with the character image, but Nana died because of unnecessary tattoos. Accepting special makeup is enough to show the difference in enthusiasm for the work.

(Source: TVDaily)

Korean netizens have mixed reactions to this incident. Some people think that Nana lacks professionalism: “Actors are not even allowed to cut their hair casually during filming. The tattoos are too much.”Shooting?””If you lack professionalism like this, go become a YouTuber or an Internet celebrity, don’t hurt others””Imagine if it was a colleague around you who caused trouble at work because he was in a bad mood… Then he said it was because of his mother. Like, is the staff (colleague) who took care of the mess for her some kind of servant?”

There are also people who support Nana and think that mental health is the most important thing: “It should be that she has worked so hard that she lost her rational judgment.”The method is to survive, nothing is more valuable than life.””The only solution in the hard times has now become a poisoned arrow to attack her. It’s really chilling.””As long as the makeup artist is given a proper salary increase, it will be fine.””The production team didn’t say anything, but the reporter was there instead to embarrass.”

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