Neji was always right about Naruto following his destiny but in ways you didn’t see coming

In the Naruto universe, the concept of destiny holds great significance in determining the fates of its characters. Neji Hyuga, a skilled shinobi from the esteemed Hyuga clan, firmly held the belief that an individual’s life path was predetermined from the moment they were born. Despite this, fans were surprised to discover that the orange-haired character did not completely reject the idea of destiny.

Despite initial appearances, Naruto did not completely reject the concept of destiny. Rather, he recognized its existence but also emphasized the importance of his own belief in himself and his ability to overcome and surpass predetermined fate through unwavering determination and perseverance.

The Hidden Truth Behind Namikaze Minato’s Sealing of Uzumaki Naruto’s Destiny

Naruto as an infant (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Naruto as an infant (Image via Studio Pierrot)

The tale of Naruto’s fate commences with the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze, who sealed the Nine-Tailed Fox, Kurama, inside his newly born son. This crucial event was not a coincidence, as Minato firmly believed that his child was the chosen one, destined for greatness. Since birth, his destiny was in motion, bestowed with the immense power of the strongest Tailed Beast. This immense responsibility also served as the driving force behind his journey, propelling him forward throughout the entire series.

Naruto’s skills were heavily influenced by two exceptional mentors. One of them was Hatake Kakashi, a Jonin from Konoha, who played a crucial part in his journey as a shinobi. Kakashi’s immense strength and extensive expertise greatly aided in his progress.

Furthermore, the main character was fortunate enough to receive training from Jiraiya, one of the famed Sannin. With Jiraiya as his mentor, he acquired the Toad Summoning Jutsu and perfected the Rasengan technique. This invaluable guidance from these renowned masters only strengthened his path as a powerful ninja.

Naruto’s Journey as an Underdog: Kishimoto’s Depiction in the Series

Namikaze Minato (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Namikaze Minato (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Despite the prophecy foretelling his destiny, Naruto’s character is consistently portrayed as an underdog. This deliberate choice by Masashi Kishimoto adds depth to his character arc. While some may argue that destiny was simply handed to him, the prophecy merely suggests his potential to fulfill it. Not everyone possesses the ability to achieve what was destined for our protagonist.

Despite Minato’s best efforts, he was unable to fulfill it and ultimately made the ultimate sacrifice. His journey is not just about fulfilling the prophecy, but also about personal development and conquering obstacles along the way.

Despite being tempted by some to embrace darkness, he remained steadfast in his resistance. While Mizuki attempted to corrupt him, his intentions were actually pure. He only sought to gain strength and recognition, without causing harm to his village. Although there were moments that hinted at a potential downfall, the future Hokage never wavered in his rejection of darkness. His main objective was to earn respect and he never even considered turning to the dark side.

Despite some fans often downplaying his achievements by highlighting his training, it is important to remember that all ninjas, including prodigies like Sasuke and his Sharingan abilities, had to endure intense training. While fate may have granted him unique abilities and opportunities, it was his unwavering dedication, perseverance, and tireless hard work that ultimately enabled him to fully utilize his potential.


A screenshot from the series (Image via Studio Pierrot)
A screenshot from the series (Image via Studio Pierrot)

From a young age, Naruto’s life was influenced by fate. He was guided on his journey by significant individuals and formidable abilities. The seal containing Kurama, the mentorship of esteemed teachers, the powerful bloodlines of Konoha, and his own personal growth all played a role in shaping his ultimate destiny. Through perseverance, the support of his friends, and unwavering determination, he triumphed over challenges and obstacles.

Despite the influence of destiny, he proved that one’s future can be altered by determination and strong connections. Neji’s beliefs about fate held true, but it was shown that accepting one’s destiny and changing it were achievable through determination and the assistance of others.

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