Netizens mourn gamer who committed suicide after girlfriend broke up with him

According to reports, a young man named Fat Cat (also known as 胖猫) tragically took his own life by jumping off a bridge in Chongqing, China. Fat Cat was born in Hunan, China in 2003 and came from a broken family, as his parents divorced when he was young. As he got older, Fat Cat’s relationship with his family grew more distant and he mainly stayed in touch with his sister. Instead of pursuing higher education, Fat Cat became a popular gamer at the age of 21, earning a living by assisting others in increasing their ranks in online games.


Two years prior, Fat Cat had fallen in love with Tan Zhu (谭竹), a girl he met on a gaming platform. Despite living in Chongqing, Tan Zhu was born in 1997 and Fat Cat made the decision to move there to be closer to her, as she did not want to maintain a long distance relationship. Throughout their time together, Fat Cat lived a very frugal lifestyle, sending all of his earnings to his girlfriend. In fact, he even worked to the point of exhaustion and only consumed the cheapest meals worth 10 yuan ($1.39) in order to save money for her. His social media profile picture even read “I don’t want to eat vegetables anymore, I want McDonald’s”


Since April 2024, Tan Zhu had been treating him with coldness and had expressed her desire to end their relationship. Despite his efforts, the young man was unable to change her mind. On the morning of April 11, in a moment of desperation, he made the tragic decision to end his own life by jumping off a bridge. Just one hour before taking his own life, he sent Tan Zhu 760 flowers, representing the 760 days they had spent together, and transferred 66,666 yuan (equivalent to $9,240) to her. Even in his last moments, he made it clear that it was his own decision and Tan Zhu was not to blame.

After Fat Cat’s sister shared this story online, Chinese netizens were outraged to learn that Tan Zhu had mistreated him throughout their relationship and even after his death. They were shocked to discover that she had been posting dancing videos on Douyin (Chinese Tiktok). Sympathy poured in for Fat Cat, with many netizens ordering flowers, hamburgers, milk tea, and other food to be placed on the bridge where he tragically ended his life. They also left heartfelt messages, hoping that somehow this gesture would bring comfort to Fat Cat in the afterlife and that in his next life, he would prioritize self-love.

Origin: K14

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