New evidence in Destiny 2 challenges previous assumptions about a major enemy’s guilt

The Vex have been a prominent enemy faction in the Destiny universe since the earliest days of the original game. However, recent additions to the lore have caused players to reconsider this ongoing conflict.

The Destiny 2 universe has entered a new era as the Final Shape reaches its conclusion. On the planet of Nessus, players are currently delving into an investigation while the latest content reveals new lore, offering valuable context to unraveling mysteries.

The expansion has introduced a new storyline featuring a kind Vex, causing the Destiny 2 community to reconsider their perceptions of the antagonistic race and speculate about what may lie ahead for the game.

Vex are innocent 🙁 byu/MajestycSun indestiny2

The revelation of these robotic enemies is currently being discussed on the game’s subreddit, where a player has shared their story and proclaimed that the Vex are actually innocent.

The story recounted an NPC’s encounter with a Vex Hobgoblin, who unexpectedly waved at them in excitement before being eliminated by another Guardian.

The initial response to the post was filled with sadness over the death of the amiable Vex. As one user expressed, “I never expected to feel sympathy for a hobgoblin, yet here we are.”

In addition, Destiny 2 enthusiasts have also taken notice of another fact – the Vex have consistently functioned as a unified entity with the singular goal of eliminating Guardians and other adversaries.

To act independently, like this, is a huge change from the usual behavior of a Vex.

According to one user, the Vex on Nessus are displaying an unusual level of emotion and individuality, which goes against their nature. The user believes that some external force is manipulating the Vex to behave in a way that is not natural for them.

The latest addition to Destiny 2’s seasonal activities revolves around an event involving the Vex, although details about it are currently scarce.

The Destiny 2 community is filled with anticipation as they contemplate the future of the game, amidst the upcoming content and the story of a Vex unit exhibiting unusual behavior.

A fan speculated that there may be an alliance in the works, stating “I predict that a friendly Vex group will join us before Frontiers arrives. They are the only major faction that we have yet to form an alliance with.”

“The term “Frontiers”was used by Bungie to hint at an upcoming release in 2025.”

There has been much speculation about whether it will be a Destiny 3 or the official announcement of the new saga, but it appears that the Vex will play a significant role in it.

Further details will be provided as the current episode of the game, titled Echoes, progresses over the next few weeks.

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