New GTA Online Easter Egg Suggests Possible Return of Michael in Future DLC

New GTA Online Easter Egg Suggests Possible Return of Michael in Future DLC

According to a new GTA Online Easter Egg, fans are speculating that Michael De Santa may make a comeback in an upcoming update.

As fans eagerly anticipate the release of GTA 6, Rockstar has been consistently releasing new content for GTA Online. The latest update, ‘Bottom Dollar Bounties’, could potentially hint at what’s to come in the future.

On June 26, a user named ‘GrandTheftLore’ made an intriguing find in the mission ‘Most Wanted – Song’ in the form of a call sheet for an upcoming film.

The film, produced by Richards Majestic Productions, is titled ‘Sugar T*ts Goes Skiing,’ which appears to be a nod to something Trevor refers to Michael as during the single-player story mode of the game.

GrandTheftLore mentions that according to Franklin, Michael De Santa is still employed at Richards Majestic Productions in GTA Online: The Contract. In GTA V, Trevor and Devin Weston refer to him as “Sugar Ti*s.”

Fans were delighted with the long-awaited return of Franklin in the Contract DLC, leading to overwhelming praise for the content. As a result, players have been eagerly anticipating the potential return of the rest of the story trio.

Upon reading the comments, other players were intrigued by this revelation and proposed that there may be additional information on the casting sheet.

One person wondered if it was possible that Michael was really coming back, despite initially thinking it was just a tease.

“It seems like a teaser,”another person added, according to a tweet by Dylan Timal.

Another person noted that this could be a hint at a future Michael DLC or simply a callback to the single player experience. Regardless, it was an intriguing detail.

At present, there has not been an official announcement from Rockstar regarding Michael’s comeback, however, the actor portraying him, Ned Luke, has expressed his agreement with fans that it should occur.

“That would be great,”Luke responded to a fan’s suggestion for a DLC about Michael for the game.

Luke implied that Michael may make an appearance in GTA 6, as Shawn Fonteno, the actor who portrays Franklin, has dismissed the idea of his character returning.

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